The Fight Part 2

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"What does the letter say?" Jackson asked coming to stand next to Jay. Jay opened the pre opened envelope and opening the folded paper. He started reading it, and everyone stayed silent to listen. "

Dear Jay,

I can't take it anymore. It's too much pain and suffering for me to stay on this ranch. Everyone from our past coming from Auradon, my best friend hating my guts for something I didn't do, the pressure of not being able to have my own kids, and even worse, not being able to love my family, because they don't love me. I can't take it Jay. I tried, I really tried, and you know it. I just can't take it! I tried to make my dad happy by having my own kids, but I failed. I tried to make my sister in law happy by staying away from my brother and her kids like she wanted, but I failed. I tried to be happy, but I failed. I tried to be a good person, but I failed. I tried not to let the past get to me, but I failed. I'm a failure, and nothing can change that. The stress put on my shoulders is too much for me to bear, and I needed to escape it, for all of us to be happy. I really wanted to stay, and live the lie, but I couldn't bear it. I was blamed for something I didn't cause, and because of that, I was threatened to stay away from my only brother, and the only kids that I could ever actually call family. I was called a filthy kidnapper, and I know kidnapping is wrong, and I would never dream of kidnapping Spencer or Melissa. My dad was so disappointed in me, and I know it, because I haven't given him any grandchildren. Jay, I wished Evie hadn't cheated on you, because I don't deserve the care and the love you give me. I wished Evie hadn't cheated on you, because I don't deserve you. I wish Evie hadn't cheated on you, because at least she can have a baby.

Love, Mal

"There you go. There's the letter she left me, and I want to know what the fuck caused all of this. According to this letter, she was blamed by something she didn't do, and that caused Elena to tell her to stay away from her, her two kids, and her brother." Jay said staring at Elena. Elena didn't answer and Jay continued. "What the fuck could ever make you call your best friend a filthy kidnapper? Please, tell me. I want to know what the fuck happened, that made my wife run away." Jay yelled. "Jay, calm down." Jackson said. "Why don't you calm down Jackson! Your fucking sister is gone, and your wife was most of this action. Don't you even care?" Jay exclaimed. "Look, she cut Spencer's back and I caught her trying to take him." Elena said. Jay looked over at her. "Why don't we check this security footage then? I can guantee you, Mal wouldn't try to kidnap your fucking baby!" Jay exclaimed before stomping upstairs. He got the footage up, and he showed everyone. "It's this little fucking blueberry princess that did that to your baby! Not Mal! Next time you try and chase my wife off, make sure your god damn facts are straight!" Jay stomped out of his house, and climbed onto his horse, and took off into the dark.

Jay didn't come back to his house for 3 days, and on the third day, he came back with another horse. When they saw that Mal was with him, everyone ran outside. "Now you care about her." Jay said rolling his eyes. They put their horses away, and Jay glared at everyone standing on the front porch of his house. "You're all lucky I'm not kicking you out of my house." Jay said under his breath and Mal glanced up at Jay with a scared expression on her face. She had never seen Jay this angry before, and she saw Elena, Jackson, and her dad staring at her. Mal hid behind Jay as he entered the house. Mal was about to run upstairs, but her intertwined hand with Jay's, kept her uprooted next to him. "Mal, why did you run away?" Elena asked. Mal didn't answer, and kept her lips sealed shut. "I read that letter out loud? Didn't you pay attention?" Jay asked. "Jay, you need to calm down." Jonathan said and Jay shook his head. "Sorry Jonathan, but I'm not on your pecking order." "Let me go. I don't want to be here." Mal said and Jay let go of his wife's hand, and she ran upstairs. He sighed, and he put his hand on his forehead, so that his fingers were touching both of his temples. "This is a disaster. Why did this happen?" Jay asked as he leaned against the kitchen island. "It wasn't your fault Jay. It was mine." Elena said. "It was my fault too. I kept giving her nasty hints I wanted a grandchild from her." Jonathan said.

"You want to know where I found her?" Jay asked after a moment of silence. "On a cliff, 100 feet above the lake. She was planning to jump." Jay said and sighed. "I don't know what to do. I knew she was devastated about not being able to have a baby, but I didn't know it was this far in." Jay turned and went upstairs. He opened the door to his bedroom, and found Mal huddled in a ball under the covers. She was shaking, and Jay got onto his bed. He pulled the covers off Mal, and she met his eyes. "I'm sorry." She whimpered and Jay shook his head. "There's nothing to be sorry for." He whispered. Mal sat up, and curled into Jay. "Did you mean everything you said in that letter?" Jay whispered to her. Mal nodded, and she started crying.

That night, Jay woke up in the middle of the night, hearing Mal crying. "Mal?" Jay asked her softly. "Mal, baby, what's wrong?" He asked stroking her hair. "Everything. You should just go back to Evie, she's all ready for your love, and she can have kids. She's perfect for you." Mal said staring at the wall. "But I don't love her the way I love you." Jay said. He kissed her head, and Mal shook her head. "But I'm not perfect like she is." Mal said and Jay shook his head. "I don't care if you aren't perfect. I love you, even if you could have kids, I'd still love you. I still want to spend the rest of my life with you, and if you can't have kids, I'm not going to automatically stop loving you." Jay told her, and Mal flipped over onto her other side so she was facing him. "You won't stop loving me, even though I'm not the prettiest girl, or the most stable, or the tallest, or-" "Shh. Stop." Jay said putting a finger over her lips.

"I don't care how you look, how tall you are, or what anyone thinks of you. I love you for who you are, and not who you think you should be. You are by far the most beautiful woman I've ever met in my life, inside and out. Evie may be pretty, but she doesn't have the same heart you have. You care about your family, and making them happy, even if that means you aren't happy. I admire you for always trying your best, and I don't care if you can't handle it. I still love you, and I never won't stop loving you. You can talk all you want about how you don't deserve me, but you do deserve me. You haven't ever once done something to hurt me, and you're always there to listen and cheer me up when I'm mad or sad. Mal, you are the only one I'll ever love." Jay said kissing Mal's forehead. "Wrong spot." Mal said. "Right. I'm sorry." Jay said before kissing her lips. "Right spot." Mal said before kissing him.

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