Honolulu Tour

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The next morning, Mal and Jay got ready to meet with George, and his son. "Jay, come on! We've got to get downstairs!" Mal said pretending to check her watch. "Okay, okay. I'm here, let's go." Jay said emerging from the bathroom straighting his own watch. The two made their way downstairs, and they saw George standing in the lobby. "You two kids ready for the tour?" George asked smiling and they nodded. A man came through the entrance, to stand next to George. "Hello. I'm Daniel. My father has told me how excited he is to be giving a tour around Honolulu." Daniel said smiling. "Can't wait!" Mal cheered, and Jay laughed. "Breakfast first?" He asked and George nodded. "That is the first item on our agenda." George took them to Helena's Hawaiian Food for breakfast. They got breakfast, and they gushed over how good it was. 

"I'm glad you enjoy it! I think next, we'll go swimming with dolphins." George said and Mal shrieked. "YES!" "She loves dolphins." Jay explained and all three of them laughed. Throughout the whole week, Mal and Jay were toured around the city, and at night, Mal and Jay would sit out on the balcony and watch the sun set. Mal would sit on his lap, and Jay would wrap his arms around her waist, and they'd tell each other their favorite memories. Daniel introduced Mal to Hawaiian Flowers, and since then, she's always have one tucked into her brown hair. On their 6th night in Hawaii, Mal was asleep, and Jay took the opertunity to go downstairs and browse the internet for a puppy for her birthday. Jay found one, and he kept looking. Finally, Jay narrowed it down to three breeds that he knew Mal would love; Pomeranian, Collie, and Dutch Swedish Farmdog. 

After he made a couple of phone calls, he decided which dog he should get Mal; A Golden and White collie. He knew how upset Mal was when she was told she couldn't have kids, and he was going to surprise her with two puppies, so she could still feel like a mother. She also really wanted collies for as long as he could remember. He got it all set up, and he was able to pick the puppies out online, and he talked to the owner who was selling the puppies. "Yes. I live in Colorado. Have you heard of Meadowbrooke Ranch? You have? Great! Could you deliever the puppies to my ranch, before 5 PM on Saturday of next week? I'll call my father in law, and ask him to get the puppies from you. It's a surprise for my wife and- Thanks! Yes. Thank you for your call." Jay hung up, and he shut off the computer before grabbing a donut from in the lobby and heading back upstairs. 

Jay got back into his room, and he saw how cute Mal was when she was sleeping. He got into the bed and wrapped his arms around her and fell asleep. Jay woke up the next morning, with Mal sleeping on his back, and her legs draped on his. Jay sighed, and Mal rolled over and landed next to Jay. Jay went to kiss her forehead, but she moved so he kissed her lips instead. There came a knock from the door, and Mal rolled off the bed to go answer it. "Thank you." She said before shutting the door and going back over to Jay. "What is it?" Jay asked. "Two tickets to an Amusement Park." "Who sent them?" Jay asked rolling off the bed to stand next to Mal. "Our fam back home." Mal said opening the envelope. 

The two of them spent the day at the Amusment Park, and had the time of their lives. "Can we live here instead of Colorado?" Mal asked as the two crashed into their bed for the night. Jay didn't answer, as he was looking at his phone. He gulped, and he shut off his phone before getting up. "I'll be back." He said before he left the hotel room. Mal waited for him to come back, but he never did. She watched the sun set by herself, woke up by herself, and ate breakfast by herself. She grabbed more food from the breakfast bar for Jay, and took it back to her room, hoping to see him there. She arrived in her hotel room, and she opened the door to see Jay sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. He snapped his head up when he heard Mal shut the door. "Hey! Finally! I was worried that you had been kidnapped or-" Mal stopped talking as she saw that Jay was crying. "Jay?" She asked, her voice cracking. Jay stood up, and Mal set down all the food on the table. He cupped her face with his hands and he said, "I'm so sorry baby girl. I'm so sorry." He said before kissing her forehead and hugging her. "What's going on?" Mal asked. "Didn't Jackson call you?" Jay asked. Mal shook her head and she looked up at her husband. "What happened?" She asked quietly. "Your dad, well, I don't know another way to say this." Jay said looking away from her. Mal took his chin in her hand, and gently tilted his head back to face her. "What happened to my dad?" She asked him. Jay sighed, and another tear escaped his eyes as he watched his wife look at him this way. 

"He, he was outside tending to the animals, when, he had a heart attack." Jay whispered and Mal gasped. "Last night, Jackson called me, and he's been keeping me updated, but I'm so sorry baby girl." Jay said turning away. Mal pulled him back, and looked straight into his eyes. "What happened?" She asked. "He passed away this morning." Jay whispered, and his arms wrapped around her as her knees gave out. Mal wrapped her legs around his waist, and he held her to him. They didn't leave their hotel room the rest of the day, and Mal stayed curled up to Jay. The next day, the two said goodbye to Daniel and George, and boarded a plane taking them back to Colorado. Mal immediatly ran into her house as soon as Jay hit the driveway. He followed her, and he kept close behind her, as she followed the sounds of people talking. "Oh M!" Elena cried and hugged her old best friend tightly. "Where...Where is he?" Mal asked and Elena led Mal to the doorway. Jackson was no where to be seen, and Mal saw the coffin. Mal cauciously approached the coffin, and then........."AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"

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