The Past is Painful, for Some People

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Evie stepped forward to grab Jay's hand but he put his hands behind his back. "This isn't funny. I want to know." He said. "Why do you care so much?" Carlos asked Jay. "Ahh Carlos. My favorite human. You know, I ought to thank you, and hate you at the same time." Jay said. "I care so much, because I'd rather you not get murdered on my ranch." "Who would do that?" "I think you know who." Jay said. He brought his hand back and twisted his wedding ring around his finger, which was a habit of his that Mal always pointed out.

Evie watched him, and she figured out he was wearing a wedding ring. "Who are you married to? I thought you loved me!" Evie exclaimed and Jay shook his head. "You'll figure it out soon enough, and you expect me to love you, after you go off and sleep with Carlos, and have a baby I might add!" Suddenly, several hoof stomps were heard, along with neighs to match the hoof stomps. All the Auradonians turned to see where the noise was coming from and Jay smiled. Mal and Jackson were riding their horses, and laughing together, they didn't even notice them there.

Jay whistled and leaned back against his truck. "Shut up Bonanza." Mal said from her horse as she came to a stop in front of Jay. Jackson reined his horse in next to Mal's, and he tied his horse to the hitching rail. Mal dismounted her horse, and led it over to Jay. Jay stroked the horse's nose, and the horse neighed again and flicked his tail. Mal pet her horse's neck, and she was aware of people staring at her. Jackson tugged her ponytail and she turned and said, "May I help you Jackie?" "Yes you can. Go grab your sledgehammer while I'll grab my Crowbar." "That won't work to knock out a fence! You'll dent the Crowbar, not knock the fence down!" Mal said and Jackson flicked her in the head. Mal flicked him back and Jonathan said, "Jackson, stop picking on your sister. Just because she's short doesn't mean she's not feisty." Jackson nodded and his dad went into the house.

"Dang, your house is huge!" Lonnie exclaimed and Mal whipped her head around to see Lonnie. Mal turned back towards Jay. "What the hell is this?" She asked. "Surprise!" Jay called. "This better not be for Saturday, otherwise I'm going to kill you." She said. "It's not, trust me. I would never bring most of these people here unless I was a complete whack." "I completely understand. I'm going to get my sledgehammer." She said before stalking off to the barn. "Why is she getting a sledgehammer?" Evie asked worriedly. "It's not to get any of you, it's to knock out the fences. That's what all the wood is for, we're rebuilding all of the fences with stronger wood." Jay said. Mal came back out of the barn with a sledgehammer propped over her shoulder, and a saddle strap in her hand. She put on the new saddle strap, and she untied Jackson's horse from the hitching rail and she and Jackson put their horses into the stables, before Mal came back out. "Keys." Mal said and Jay tossed her a set of keys. She thanked him, blew him a kiss, and took off to the shed, where she started a side by side gator, and pulled out of the shed.

Jackson pulled out with another one, and the two utility vehicles took off down the pastures. "Who is that girl that blew you a kiss?" Evie snarled. "Relax. Its not like you have a chance with getting back with me anyways. Jonathan, the man who went into the house, is Jackson and Malonia's dad. Jackson is older, where Malonia is younger. Anyways, Malonia is my wife, and we own the ranch." Jay said. "Where's Mal at?" Carlos asked. "She took off in that Side by Side." Jay said pointing at the side by sides that were almost out of sight. "I thought you said that was Malonia." Carlos said. "Carlos, I thought you were smarter than that, or has Evie turned you brain dead?" Jay responded. "So you're saying, that Malonia is Mal, and that she's married" Carlos exclaimed. Jay nodded with a smile and he went into the barn.

"Well, let's follow him!" Evie said taking her daughter as Alessia reached for her. Jay was putting feed into buckets, with 4 people surrounding him. "Now, who are these guys?" Evie asked and Carlos shrugged. "Bailey, can you take the horses?" Bailey nodded. "Elena, can you take the sheep and goats?" Elena nodded. "Colin, can you take the chickens?" Colin nodded. "Great. I'll take the cattle." Jay said before everyone grabbed their own feed and went to work. "Where are you going?" Evie asked. "To feed the cattle. Work is very important here, and if you keep bothering me, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Jay said loading all the feed in the back of his four wheeler. He climbed on, and before he took off he said, I'll be back in a bit, just stay outside and out of the way until then." Jay took off into the opened pastures and disappeared out of sight.

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