Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"So we got some food, first aid for Mia and everyone else, weapons, parachutes, limited fresh water, some supplies, and a crashed plane." Adam said.

"So we'd survive a week." Jäger said.

"We need to work off the land." Adam said. "Repair the plane. Maybe call for evac or rescue."

"Our communications are down." Cole said.

"We need to repair the plane then." Adam said.

"We should rebuild inside first to give us a shelter." Mia said in pain.

"I know how to repair. I took a class Freshman year." Jillian said. "I'll work on it. You guys go scope out what we have here on this island."

"I'll stay with Jillian." Adam said. "I'll also help Mia."

Cole didn't seem to like that. He wanted to be the one to help her. However, Adam was the leader. He took orders from him. They left the beach and went into the forest.

"Ok." Jäger said. "So. We are stranded on an island, don't know what this place is like, and we may die. So when are you gonna ask out Mia?"

"You better be kidding me." Cole said.

"Wha? No. Come on mate. Humor me now." Jäger said.

Cole sighed. "I really like her man, but I'm not sure if she likes me."

Jäger laughed. "You better be bloody kidding. I've seen the way she looks at you and laughs at the stuff you do and say. She fancys you."

"You think so?" Cole said.

"Abso-bloody-lootly." Jäger said.

Cole looked down at Jäger questioningly.

"I'm British people say that all the time." Jäger said.

"All right. I'll ask her soon." Cole said.

"Yes!" Jäger said triumphantly.

Cole laughed.

They walked for a few more minutes talking. When they turned a corner, they froze. Standing right in front of them was a monster. It was about 6 feet tall, it was a pile of green slime with it oozing everywhere with eyes. When it saw the two boys it changed into 7 foot tall humanoid character. It roared through a hole at the top of his head and charged them.

Jäger whipped out a knife and cut it in half. It melted into a puddle of ooze.

"The bloody hell was that?" Jäger said panting.

Cole had brought out one of his pistols and held it out. "I have no clue, but I think we should head back to the plane."

The two boys ran back.


"Dang. Could you have made it any more destroyed?" Jillian said.

"You try landing a dead plane!" Adam snapped.

Jillian put her hands up. "I was just kidding. Just kidding. Sorry."

"Sorry." Adam said. "I just don't wanna be here." He felt his old self coming back. The self he put away when he met these guys.

"You and me both." Jillian said. "The cockpit's technology will take a while to get back online. I'll work on that tomorrow. Today though, I'll actually work on the inside. Make it habitable for tonight."

"I can help." Adam said.

"If you want to." Jillian said helping Adam in.

The plane was dark and broken. It was basically a dormitory hit by a hurricane. There were broken beds, broken lights, doors, and rubble and debris.

"Let's get to cleaning." Jillian said.

After they had moved most of the big items off the plane they saw Jäger and Cole run from the forest panting.

Adam went out the emergency exit and slid down the wing."Whats the matter?"

Jäger and Cole stammered but got the message out.

"A mountain of green ooze?" Adam said. "Damn."

"What's going on?" Cole said.

"There are 10 places in the world that monsters roam free in many clusters. I fear this may be one." Adam said.

"What?!" Jäger yelled. "You mean to tell me we crashed this plane on Jurassic Park with a bunch of nasty bugger monsters that can only hurt us and we can only hurt and see them!"

"Yep." Adam said.

"Of all the blokes in the world. Us?!" Jäger exclaimed. "We are the only ones who can die from them! Bloody hell, bloody hell, bloody hell!"

Mia got up. Pain shot up her arm. Her arm was in a sling. Jillian had stitched her arm. They had medicines, but nothing like back at base. The arm would take at least 3 weeks to heal.

"Jäger." Mia said. "It's ok. Relax. You forget we are skilled warriors."

"You are shot, Jillian is a scientist, and we are stuck on an island. With limited ammo!" Jäger yelled.

"Well." Adam said. "Cole's guns actually don't run on ammo. They are solar powered and run on solar energy which is converted into compressed solid beams of light shot at enemies using-" Adam ranted on some gibberish only Jillian understood.

"Adam." Jillian said. "That's brilliant! Perfect here!"

"What about rainy days?" Cole asked.

"We will just use the ammo saved from the day before." Adam said. "Besides. I'm not planning on staying here much longer."

A roar came from the jungle.

"Great. Now the bloody monster T-Rex is gonna come." Jäger said.

"Don't worry. We will survive. I know just about every monster there is. I know strengths and weaknesses. We need to repair the plane while also setting up a border, defense, and a base here." Adam said. "We start now."

"Yes sir." Jäger and Cole said.

They went off to build a defense around the beach. Adam and Jillian went to work on the inside plane shelter. Mia sat against a palm tree and tried to tend to her arm.

Before night fall they had a small wooden wall with spikes to stop charges. The inside had 6 fixed beds, and most of the debris was cleared out. Things were looking good. For now.

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