Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

For the first night since they had no security system to wake them if a monster came to the beach, they had to stay awake in shifts. Mia and Jillian slept all night because they couldn't fight. Adam took first shift. Nothing important really happened. Same with Cole's shift. Jäger took the last shift.

"Bloody hell." He said as he woke up. "I haven't gotten an non-interrupted sleep in three blooming days!"

"Jäger. We all need to take watch. I'm about to fall asleep. I need you to take watch." Cole said sleepily.

"Fine." He said as he got up. He grabbed his knife, a sword, some rope, and a flashlight.

"Bloody monsters, bloody island." He muttered to himself as he walked over to the hole in the plane. He sat down and waited.

After about an hour he heard something. He set down the flashlight he was using to make shadow puppets. He grabbed his knife and dropped from the hole. He slid down the wing and walked a few paces before he heard some rustling in the bushes behind the wall. He whipped out his sword.

He heard a noise. Something like a buzzing and growl and a snarl. He pointed his sword towards the noise. Then he heard another one of it. Then another. Blue wolf like creatures crept onto the beach. They hopped over the fence and walked towards Jäger.

"Have you ever taken any dance lessons?" He asked the wolfs.

They looked at each other like "This guy is insane. What is wrong with him? If we eat him will we become idiots like him?"

"Let's Tango." Jäger said throw his knife at a wolf. It hit it in the heart and stuck there. Jäger ran towards it slicing the head off the wolf on the way.

He picked up his knife, spun around and cut a wolf in half. A wolf next to him stood on his hind legs like a bear. Jäger stuck his knife through its jaw and out its snout.

Jäger grabbed his rope and chocked a wolf. He found himself going all around the beach. Every time he killed a wolf it looked like another one took its place.

At one point he cut the legs off three wolfs in one clean swipe.

All the other wolfs backed up and ran into the forest. "Ya that's right!" Jäger called panting. "Run you cowardly buggers!"

Jäger walked back up the plane's wing. He laid down trying to catch his breath. He didn't know how much time had passed fighting the wolfs.

Around half an hour later the sun rose. Everyone woke up.

Adam yawned and stretched. Cole sat up rubbing his eyes. Mia sat up slowly and looked at the bed at her feet.

"I had the craziest night." Jäger said. "A pack of wolfs came at me. And I took them down. The retreated in fear."

"I don't think you were their target." Mia said. Pointing at Jillian's bed. It was empty! There was a small blood stain.

"Bloody hell." Jäger said. Realization hit him. The wolfs had distracted him while some went in and grabbed Jillian. She could be dead or injured. She was their way out. It was all his fault.

Jäger did something he hadn't done in the longest time.

He walked away from his team.

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