Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Jäger woke up to Cole shaking him. "Jäger. Jäger come on wake up."

Jäger groaned and stood up.

"We won Jäger." Adam said standing over him. "We beat Medusa. You were knocked out."

"Weren't we all?" Jäger asked as they helped him up.

Jäger looked around, they were in a dome like thing, there was ash everywhere like a fire had erupted.

"No." They said chuckling, Jäger thought he heard a little bit of nervous laughter. He must be imagining it. He was knocked out afterall.

"Where is Medusa's body though?" Jäger asked.

Mia walked over and guestered around them. "She was turned to ash."

"Yeah. That's what happened." Cole said.

"Wait." Jäger said. "Isn't Mia supposed to be back at the plane?"

"Yeah." Mia said. "I followed you guys though. I came out at the last second and stabbed Medusa right in her spider like abdomen."

Mia re-enacted her running, jumping, and stabbing the air with her empty right hand.

"We would have been toast without her." Adam explained.

"Where's Jillian?" Jäger asked. He couldn't believe he basically slept through a whole battle.

"Right here!" Jillian called and skipped over. For someone who was just abducted by wolves and held by a crazy spidery snake lady, she seemed a little too happy. Even if she was just freed.

"So what now?" Cole asked.

"Go back to the ship and leave." Mia said like it was obvious.

Everyone murmured in agreement. They started walking towards the exit. Jäger didn't exactly trust the new version of his friends. Could people really change after one big battle you missed? He didn't know, so he decided to play his cards a bit of a different way.

"What was the battle like?" Jäger decided to ask.

"Well," Adam said. "After you got knocked out-"

"Fainted." Cole butted in.

Adam rolled his eyes and continued "Cole distarcted her with his arrows. While she tried to kill him I ran up and cut off a leg. She whipped around and hit my right side." He pointed at his right hip. "I hit the wall, but then got back up. Cole kept running around shooting at her face. Eventually, I guess Medusa got bored, she brought out her staff and started shooting bolts at Cole. Cole stood his ground and dodged them. One hit her in the eye. A clay type substance formed around her eye. While she was temporaily blinded, Mia came in out of no where and stabbed her right in the gut."

Everyone clapped Mia on the back. Jillian gave her a squeeze hug. Her arms wraped around her shoulders.

By the time the celebration and Adam's story was done, they were out of the volcano.

Jäger was rather suspicous of the new version of his friends. They were a little off. Cole and Mia walked next to eachother, not as close as a couple would, but also not as far away as two people who like eachother awkwardly would though. Just in the middle like a pair of friends.

Jäger walked behind them looking at them, examining them. Then Regaj showed up. "Oh bloody hell!" Jäger said to Regaj. "What do you want?

"You're friends. They've changed. They're not the same people you know." Regaj said.

"I know. Stop rubbing it in. It happens when you miss a huge battle that saves your friend." Jäger snapped. "Do you really need to make my life even more horrid than it already is?"

"Actually no." Regaj said. "Right now, you're like sucks more than you know."

"Gee thanks. You're so helpfull. Bug off!" Jäger said.

"I'm trying to-" Regaj vanished into thin air.

That left Jäger stunned. What the heck just happened? He thought. This day just kept getting odder.

He kept watching his friends. So much had changed.

They finally got to the beach. They all loaded up onto the plane. Adam went to the cockpit. The plane lifted off.

Jillian, Mia, and Cole were talking on the other side of the plane.

Jäger looked at them. Cole sat on Mia's right. Jillian on Mia's left. They kept talking, Jäger couldn't hear them. Eventually, Cole laughed and elbowed Mia jokingly. Mia laughed and rubbed her arm a little.

Jäger stood up and went to the cockpit. He opened the latch on the door and walked in. The cokpit had so many buttons, it was bright. The sun was straight ahead setting. There were two seats. Jäger grabbed Adam, sat him down in the other seat and tied him up, gagged him, and knocked him out.

Right before Jäger gagged Adam, Adam let out this loud cry. It hurt Jäger's ears, a lot, but he ignored it.

Then when Jäger sat down in the pilot seat. 3 beasts burst through the door.

Jäger aimed the plane down, they were doing a nose dive down to the ground.

The beasts yelped in suprise.

"Sayonara suckers!" Jäger said. He busted out the window. He fell in a free fall, when the plane was below him he pulled his parachute.

He floated down and watched the plane crash. Then he pinched himself, an old trick.

He eyes popped open. He was in the dome in a spider-web cocoon. He looked over and saw that Cole and Adam had their eyes closed in a cocoon just like his. Realization hit him. The blast knocked them all out and were playing with their minds. Her goal was to give them all a scenario that was perfect. We would be in a coma for the rest of our lives, or until she did something to us. However, she didn't know everyone very well so her copies weren't perfect. Jäger found the flaw.

Medusa came over to them. Jäger cosed his eyes and pretended to be in a coma.

"Poor little babies. Stuck in an endless sleep." Medusa said. Jäger's hands were in the cocoon so he felt for weapons. He found two grenades, a knife, and a pistol. His bag and everything was stashed in a pile of their weapons. "This one here looks like a good snack though."

She picked up Jäger and started walking towards the center of the dome. Jäger was facing away from Medusa. He opened his eyes and looked around. There were a bunch of skeletons, bones, weapons, dust, and a bunch of trash everywhere. Then he saw Jillian. Near Cole, Adam, and Jäger's weapons. She was knocked out and had a red mark on her head.

They reached the center of the room. Medusa put Jäger on a table. Jäger had a plan. His eyes were closed. As soon as the cocoon opened Jäger turned on his bombs.

"What?!" Medusa said. She roared. Jäger threw the bombs into Medusa's mouth.

"One thing you can awlays count on, is that big, fat, ugly monsters will roar, scream, or yell at you." Jäger said. He rolled away and took cover under a table. Medusa exploded sending snakes and spiders everywhere. The slithered/scurried away. Ash filled the air just like in his dream.

He went over, woke up Cole and Adam.

"This is real right? Not a dream?" Cole asked.

"You may not believe me considering this looks exactly like how it did in my dream, but yes. It is very bloody real." Jäger said.

"I believe you." Adam said. "In my dream you didn't even have an accent. I figured you had listened to us so long you grew out of it."

Jäger and Cole laughed.

"I will never conform to your ugly american accent." Jäger said.

"I'm gonna ignore that, but still get your point." Adam said smiling.

The three boys woke up Jillian. Explained what happened and helped her back to the ship where Mia was waiting with urgent news.

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