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Soon enough, they all arrived, and everyone entered the castle. Varian was shoved to the middle of the floor in front of the thrones by the guard that was handling him. Tears were streaming down his face as he watched the ground, making Rapunzel feel ten times worse about everything.

The king and queen took their thrones, their eyebrows furrowed and their gaze deadly as they looked down at the young boy trembling at their feet.

"You committed various crimes these past couple days that result in your imprisonment." The king's voice boomed throughout the castle.

"You've committed Treason, you attempted murder and many, many more. I hope you understand that we-"

'No!" Varian looked up at the king, his stare full of absolute hatred. "No, I don't understand!"

His outburst shocked everyone, widened eyes looking from the king's shocked face back to Varian's aggressive glare.

"I don't understand why your daughter couldn't help me! My father is DEAD, and you expect me to understand that she couldn't stop for at least a few moments to come help me free him!"

The king cleared his throat, "Varian, you know very well that the storm was brewing, she was being a good lead-"

"I walked in the storm! I walked from Old Corona to the castle, hoping she would help me! But she threw me out like a street rat!"

Rapunzel stepped up, 'Varian, I'm sorry bu-"

Varian stood up, his chains rattling, "Oh, but, but, but! There's always a but!" he snapped, "Princess, I'm done! You let me down, and broke your promise, and I will NEVER forgive you!"

Rapunzel cowered down, her eyes growing sad as she retreated to standing on the sidelines.

The Queen frowned, 'Now, Varian, listen-"

'No." he growled and began approaching the thrones. Soon enough he was only inches away from them.

"You can lock me up for the rest of my miserable life. You can execute me, banish me, I don't care. I will NEVER stop trying to avenge my father, no matter what it takes. If its the last thing I ever do." he snarled.

"Varian your father wouldn't want this!" Cassandra stepped forward, her hand on her sword hilt.

Varian whipped around, "How would YOU know what my father wants!?" he demanded, his blue eyes no longer holding the kind light they once had when they were first acquainted. They now held nothing but hate.

The king sighed, "Take him away."

The guard from before stepped up and grabbed Varian by the back of his shirt collar, lifting him up without a problem and carrying him away towards the dungeon. Varian clawed and kicked, struggling the entire way, and soon, it was quiet.

Moments later, chattering sounded and Varian's raccoon Ruddiger came scurrying into the room. He looked around before scurrying in the direction Varian had gone. The room grew painfully quiet once more.

"Get in there scum," the guard snapped, practically throwing Varian inside the cell. It reeked of BO and rot, making Varian scrunch up his nose in disgust. He turned towards the guard with a menacing glare.

"As far as I know, any guard would be fired if they treated a citizen of Corona with disrespect," he commented sharply. 

The guard cackled and shook his head with a malicious smirk, shutting the cell door with a loud bang and locking it securely, "As far as I know, you are nothing more than a criminal. Sleep well, Moon Child, you WILL need it for what is to come."

Varian widened his eyes, watching the guard leave. His tone was deadly, and utterly terrifying. Was the guard threatening him? Varian crept back and sat down on the dusty cot that creaked under his weight. He looked at his boots and sighed softly, his head pounding.

Thoughts ran through his head. He let dad down, he had failed him. It hurt him like a stab to the heart, but what hurt him more was the loneliness. He betrayed all of his friends, his father was probably dead in the amber, and he even possibly hurt Ruddiger.

He was so twisted with anger that he had experimented on his furry friend, turning him into a monster with killing intentions. Varian felt tears prick his eyes as he thought about what he had done. He just wanted everything to go back to normal, he just wanted his dad back...

The tears slipped down Varian's cheeks, and soon, the small cries turned into messy sobs. He curled up and buried his face in his knees, eventually just crying himself to sleep.


Varian snapped awake, looking around. It was night time, the moon shining brightly through the small window of his cell. He looked around with wide, tired eyes. He swore he had heard someone calling his name. Could that have been a dream?


There it was again! It was a woman's voice, which seemed to get quieter every time. Varian stood, his eyes locked on the cell door, He gulped and bit and walked over, careful not to make the heavy chains around his wrists rattle.

He reached out and gripped the cold steel of the door, attempting to push it open. To his surprise, the door swung right open without problem. He furrowed his eyebrows. This seemed to good to be true. 

He stepped out, looking around. It was quiet, no guards present. Varian raised an eyebrow. Shouldn't guards be assigned to his cell? It was a normal thing, right..? He stopped for a few moments, listening for the voice.

Soon enough, his name was called again, coming from the left corridor. He ran in the direction of the voice, a small smile playing on his chapped lips. He continued to follow the voice, until it led to the throne room.

'okay.." he thought, 'what's this..?"

Varian stepped into the moon lit room, having to squint a bit. He huffed, looking around to see no one, though the voice sounded as if it were right here. Then, his eyes seemed to be drawn to the large window on the ceiling that let the moon light in. His eyes locked on the moon, the beautiful, white orb that practically called to him.

As soon as his eyes rested on the orb, a rush of adrenaline made him shiver, and sent a shock of pain through his body. He inhaled sharply and looked away, trembling slightly. 'What in Corona..?' he thought, looking at his hands with furrowed eyebrows.

"I'm glad you could make it, Moon Child..."

Varian widened his eyes and turned around slowly, only to feel an object hit his head, and everything retreating to darkness.

Varian snapped awake from his dream. He gave a gentle sigh of relief and rubbed his eyes, only to see a figure in the dark corner of his cell, the door standing wide open. He looked over with wide eyes, trembling, his heart pounding in his chest.

"h-hello?" he stuttered, staying curled up, terrified of what was to come.

The figure said nothing, and rushed forward, and soon, Varian saw nothing but shadow.

His dream was coming true.

(I decided to add a little moon Varian, because why not? I hope you enjoy this second part! Next part will be coming soon! I promise! )

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