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"If I can't have a happy ending, then neither can you!"

With these words, Varian brought down the fists of his robot, nearly crushing the royal family.

Rapunzel remembered it like it was yesterday, which, it was. She felt her heart break with every words Varian snapped out. That little boy used to be so, so sweet and kind, but good things don't last forever, she knew that now.

Rapunzel remembered when he came for her aid while his father was being encased by the suffocating amber. He sounded so scared, and he was so vulnerable, it hurt to watch him be dragged out by the guards.

She wanted to say something, she really did, though she couldn't form words. All she could do was hold back the sting of tears that threatened to fall.

Rapunzel and Cap walked the castle halls, talking out the events and coming up with a plan. 

"If we could only track him-" Cap began, though Rapunzel cut him off.

"We can't track him. This is Varian we're talking about, he wouldn't want to be found, so he'll do everything in his power to keep that from happening," She met Cap's eyes with her own, "You know what happened yesterday evening. He nearly killed my mother and your daughter, we can't just go after him and risk that happening again."

Cap nodded, "You're right. We need to think of something though. Varian is dangerous to the people of Corona, and I think you can agree that we do not want a dangerous criminal wandering the kingdom."

Rapunzel looked down with a sigh, hugging her arms to her chest, "I don't know. How could he even have escaped? We put him in the most secure cell in this entire kingdom!"

"I think we found the answer," a voice said from behind them.

Rapunzel and Cap turned to face Stan, who held a parchment in his hand, holding it up for them to see. "This was found under his cot in his cell."

Rapunzel walked over with furrowed eyebrows and took the parchment, unrolling it and reading the words that were scribbled on the paper.

It read:

Dear Princess Rapunzel,

I regret to inform you that your prisoner cannot remain here. He's far to dangerous. I have taken him to my kingdom where he is to be kill in three days time, the citizens choice. His crimes need to be repaid, and are only forgivable by death.

I am truly sorry for the inconvenience and the possible havoc this sudden event may have caused.

A royal guard.

Rapunzel looked up with wide eyes, tears stinging them. "Varian's in danger. We must leave immediately!" She exchanged glances with Stan and Cap, but they remained silent.

"You will do no such thing," the king bellowed.

Rapunzel turned, her eyebrows furrowed, "What? Dad, we can't just let Varian be killed! I'it's not right, we-"

He held up his hand, Rapunzel going silent.

"I know this must be hard for you, but we don't know what we're facing. It sounds like he's got a whole kingdom on his side, and what do we have? A group of guards?"

"But, Dad-"

"Rapunzel. We are outnumbered. We cannot waltz in there and just retrieve him, they're going to be waiting. If a fourteen year old boy can outsmart us, they certainly can as well."

"Well, dad, that fourteen year old boy is one of the smartest alchemists in Corona. Of course he's going to outsmart us. But, he can also outsmart them, as can we. If we give up now, what does that show them? That we're weak?" she frowns, walking past him, "I'm going to get Varian, and you can't stop me."

The king sighed and watched his daughter leave. He turns to Cap with a grim and serious expression, "Send your best men to follow her. I don't want her getting hurt." he pleaded, his gaze softening. 

Cap nodded and bowed with a smile, "Yes, your highness."

"Eugene!" Rapunzel called out, looking for her husband with a frown. 

Eugene poked his head out, along with Lance by his side, "Yes, blondie?"

Rapunzel looked at them with a hard stare, 'We have to find Varian. I may know where to look."

Eugene raised an eyebrow and exchanged a nervous glance with Lance, "You found him? Where?"

"I'm not certain," she sighs, "But we have valuable information. He did not escape on his own terms, he was kidnapped by that guard that rode with him, I'm sure of it."

Eugene nodded, "Are the guards coming too? Since, you know, the kidnapper is one of their own?"

Rapunzel shook her head, "My father isn't on board, and neither are the guards, as far as I know. I need to find Cassandra as soon as possible. We need to leave."



Eugene scratched the back of his head, "Rapunzel, are you sure about this?"

"Positive, why?"

Eugene shrugged and walked over, taking her hand in his own, "It just seems like a stretch, we don't even fully know what happened to him, or where he is."

Rapunzel looked him dead in the eyes, "We'll find him, we have to. I owe that boy too much, and I am not watching him get slaughtered in front of thousands for entertainment."

Lance was taken aback, "Slaughtered?"

Rapunzel nods with a grim expression, "That's what the note we received said. 'He will be killed in three days time.'

Eugene widened his eyes, "Three days?! Rapunzel, that's an awful short amount of time to find this kid."

She turned to him, "We can do it, I know we can. Now, anyone know where Cassandra is?"

Cassandra walked in the door, her sword in hand and a smile playing on her lips, "I heard everything, I'm in."

Rapunzel smiled and glanced at everyone, "Great. We need as much help as we possibly can get. Lance, I want you to gather Hookfoot and his gang. We're going to need them if we plan to do this."

Lance nodded with a smile before heading out to gather some reinforcements.

Eugene took her hand, looking worried. "Blondie, I don't know if this is a good idea.."

Cassandra scoffed, "What, ya scared?"

Eugene turned to her with an annoyed expression, "No, Cass, I'm not scared. Maybe. My point is-"

"That you're willing to help me defeat bad guys so we can save our friend who's going to be wrongfully slaughtered in front of thousands of people?" she said, an eyebrow raised.

Eugene sighed softly, then smiled warmly, "Of course. Now, let's get this show on the road!"

And with that, the group gathered as much people as they could, and set out, desperate to find their friend.

'We have to save him,' Rapunzel thought, clinging onto Eugene as they rode Max together towards who knows where, 'and we will, If it's the last thing we ever do...'

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