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(Quick reminder that none of the photos, videos or characters used in this story is my own. They all belong to their rightful owners.)

Varian squirmed, his bonds cutting into his wrists. Warm blood was smeared all over his hands, his arm, and his wrists from all the struggle. He was hungry, tired, and extremely dehydrated, but he didn't care. He just wanted to leave.

He groaned and tried scooting the chair around. Obviously, it wouldn't budge. These people were quite smart. He peered over at the bottom of the door, and still saw the shadow of that woman there. On the floor, was the puddle of dried up blood that had leaked into the room, a reminder of what was to come.

Varian felt his heart jolt, and he tried even harder to escape his bonds. His chest heaved and his mind raced at he thoughts of every possible way he could die. Drowning, falling from a height, getting hanged...He swallowed a lump in his throat.

Tears stung his eyes, but he refused to give up. He didn't want to die, not now, and honestly not ever. He knew it would come sooner or later, but he wanted to die naturally, not be murdered by crazy moon fanatics.

The door clicked open, and Varian looked up with wide eyes. A group of men came in, their faces covered by hoods and whatnot. One, held a knife in his pale white hand. Varian stifled a scream, fear rising in his throat.

"Moon Child. You will come with us. The townsfolk want to meet you." one of the men said as the one with the blade stepped forward, cutting his bonds free. The other men quickly secured him, holding his hands behind his back so far it hurt. He winced, sighing softly as the men pushed him out the door and into the open.

The town looked deserted. It was barren, nothing was there. No noises, nothing. Varian raised an eyebrow, getting dragged along to a big building that stood on the far end of town. The doors were swung open, and Varian's heart skidded to a halt.

All the townsfolk were inside. Women, Children, Men, all of them. They all looked aggressive, and angry. When they spotted Varian, their scowls grew, and they mumbled among each other. "That's him!" one woman muttered to her husband, "The moon child!"

Citizens muttered, some even yelled out in raged, glaring and spatting mean and colorful insults. Varian swallowed a lump in his throat as he was pushed the the center of all the stands holding the angry townsfolk. He was shoved into a chair and rebounded, this time tighter than the last.

The guard that had brought him here in the first place stood up in front of him, hands folded behind him, a devilish smirk gracing his face, his eyes gleaming with madness. "I brought you all here today to discuss the fate of this young boy, the Moon Child. He has raised havoc on our land for centuries, causing destruction on every corner of the world."

Varian widened his eyes, his heart pounding in fear. He couldn't speak, couldn't protest as the guard circled him, speaking loud and clear to the crowd, who looked as if they could jump down from the stands any minute and kill him.

"How do we know if he's really the Moon Child?" one man asked from deep within the crowd. The guard raised an eyebrow and stopped at Varian's side. A smirk grew on his face, and he placed his hand on Varian's head, slightly stroking his hair. He did this for a few moments before grabbing a fist full and yanking his head back, getting a yelp of pain from the teen.

The guard gently took the strand of blue hair and lifted it up for the crowd to see. They all awed and oooed, leaning in their seats to get a better look.

One woman did not look impressed, "But how do we know he didn't just dye it?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

The guard let go of Varian's hair and walked around the crowd, explaining what was to come. A ritual, from the woman who was wrongfully murdered in front of that room. Some men handed the guard some papers, who flipped through them with a grin.

He took his knife from his belt and walked over to Varian, who was close to tears from fear, his chest heaving as he shrunk back in his chair.

The guard grabbed his hair again and yanked his head back, pointing the knife to his throat and gingerly cutting along it, not enough to make him bleed out, but enough to draw some blood. Varian cried out, tears streaming down his cheeks as he thrashed in his bonds, the pain unbearable.

Once the guard pulled away, his blade now stained with Varian's blood, Varian stared at the roof, silent and exhausted. He saw something out of the corner of his eye and looked over at the crowd, his eyes half lidded from exhaustion. A girl stood there, her eyebrows furrowed. Though her eyes held something that the other townsfolk's eyes didn't. Concern, worry, and anger.

Varian was cut from his bonds and dragged up, being held up in front of the guard, who traced patterns on his face with his own blood. Varian didn't have the strength to move, to fight, to he hung uselessly in the man's arms.

Once the guard had finished, Varian was practically thrown to the floor, where he sat on his knees, leaned over and staring at the floor, where his blood was splattering drip by drip.

The guard muttered a few words, and Varian's stomch churned. He let out a gutteral scream and gripped his head, whispers flooding his senses, his nerves throbbing painfully throughout his body. He shivered, suddenly feeling cold. Everything hurt, and everything felt wrong. He looked up at the crowd, who gasped at what they saw.

Varian's hair was an icy blue and floating, gravity abandoning it. His freckles glowed an icy blue like stars, his eyes the same bright color. His tears were white as they streamed down his cheeks.

A wave of fatigue and nausea flooded over him, and he collapsed, everything fading to black.

(Sorry that this was late. I've been working on homework, and I just honestly lost inspiration. The next chapters will be coming soon, I promise. Be patient with me, please. I hope you enjoyed!)

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