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(Credit to TheNight130 on YouTube for the vid!)

The man watched as Varian was carried out of the house. That poor kid...If only he hadn't done what he did...Just this thought made the man growl in rage and pure hate. "Make sure you tie him tight, boys." he snarled, " double the security tonight." he said, walking up to Varian when the men were finished, looking at his sleeping face with disgust, "We don't want him escaping, now do we?"

The man scoffed, and turned around, walking away. "Wake him," he ordered, snapping his fingers and walking away with his bodyguards. Once of the guys grabbed a cloth like the one before and placed it under Varian's nose. He didn't snap awake this time, he only stirred and weakly lifted his head, blinked his fuzzy, unfocused eyes. "W-where..?" Varian muttered weakly, glancing around. Once he realized what was happening, his eyes widened quickly, his confused expression turning into fear. "L-let me go!" he screamed, struggling against the ropes, but with no use. He was stuck.

The man shook his head, "No can do, Moon child. Boss wants you burned tonight, and if not, he'll get angry," the man shuddered just thinking about it, "But don't worry, you won't be around long enough to see that..." Varian spent the next few moments wiggling in his bonds, desperate to escape, tears stinging his eyes as he fear the man's words were true. He prayed that someone noticed he was gone, or someone cared...

"Quit squirming!" snapped another man, one putting some sticks around the stake where Varian was tied. "let me go," Varian pleaded, "Then, maybe I'll stop..." The man scoffed, and flicked Varian's forehead, getting a yelp of surprise in response, "Nice try, twat," the man snapped, leaving to gather more firewood with a cackle.

Varian continued to try to escape, but to no avail. He let out a sob of despair, eventually giving up. He wasn't leaving alive...he knew that now...He bowed his head and stared down at the sticks surrounding the stake. Normally, he would have tried to think of a scientific way to escape, but now wasn't entirely the best time for him. His mind was too full of sorrow, anger, and so on. After the whole, 'kill princess and royal family' incident, and getting tossed in jail, it really messed up his brain. He just couldn't think like he used to...

As Rapunzel was thinking of a plan to get Varian back, she heard his cry. It shattered her heart in millions of pieces, making tears of her own fill her green eyes. She felt Cass's hand grip her shoulder and squeeze it for comfort as she thought, unsure what to do. "I-i'm so stupid..." Rapunzel said suddenly, breaking the silence. Eugene, Lance and Cass all looked at her, brows furrowed. "No you aren't.." Eugene protested, "You're incredibly smart. Don't blame yourself for all this, it's not your fault."

Rapunzel shook her head and buried her face in her hands, "But, in a way, it is..." she muttered, her voice muffled through her hands. She soon began crying, letting out all the tears she had been holding in ever since that moment... Eugene pulled his girlfriend into a tight embrace, rubbing her back gently as she cried into his shoulder.

"We'll succeed," he reassured her, "Varian isn't going to die, I promise you that." He pulls away and gingerly wipes away her tears with a smile. "Everything will be okay..." Rapunzel smiled and leaned towards Eugene's touch, smiling up at him. He was right...They would, get Varian back.

Rapunzel took a deep and shaky breath before gathering everyone around. "First, Eugene, the thugs and I will all attack, getting the guard's attention. Cass, Lance, you two get Varian." Everyone nods in response, determined smiles on their lips, their eyes full of pride. Rapunzel met each and everyone's gaze, brows furrowed, "We aren't leaving here tonight without him. Whatever it takes, we are rescuing our former friend."

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