A Surprise! + Appreciation.

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Hey everyone!

It has been quite a while, and I wanted to say, thank you!

Thanks for reading this and supporting this story. It means a whole lot. Your comments make me laugh( and/or) cry so hard sometimes- it's unreal! I thought about deleting this months ago, but since you all liked it so much, I decided to keep it for your sake.

My life hasn't been the greatest as of now. 2018 was the worst year of my life, and so far, 2019 has proved to be even worse, but I'm not letting that slow me down.

As a gift to you for reading this, I will be giving you a sequel!

It is called 'Remembering Lost Friends' and the release date will be-

(drumroll please!)


On this day, March 4, 2019, I will be releasing the sequel to this story!

I hope you enjoy it and I hope it makes a little bit more sense than this one did lol.

I'm having a lot of fun writing it so far, and I hope you have fun reading it.

Like this story, you might want to emotionally prepare yourself. 

Grab some tissues!

Thanks for being here! I love you and have a great day/night! <3

To Save A Lost Friend (Tangled Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now