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(Video by Mewdove on Youtube!)

"Well, well, well..." the Stabbington brother with the eye patch smirked, his voice deadly, "What do we have here?"

Cassandra growled at them, holding Varian closer to her, her eyes wide, darting between the two brothers as they separated and started circling them.

The one without the eye patch chuckled lowly, resting his hand on the hilt of his sword, " a feisty maiden, ain't she?" he said, glaring in an intimidating manner.

"I'm not a maiden!" Cass snapped, carefully picking Varian up and moving backwards as she could face the two again, her gloved hand resting on the hilt of her sword as well.

She gulped, watching as the two unsheathed their swords and start to approach them. She glanced down at Varian's sleeping form. She knew she couldn't fight holding him, but she was scared something bad would happen if she did.

Cassandra pushed down her fear of the inevitable and carefully laid him down in the grass, being as gentle as a feather.

"Awe," one mocked, taking a large step forward, "she cares about her little brother. How sweet."

Cassandra unsheathed her sword and turned to them, glaring, a smirk playing on her lips, "Damn right I do," she replied before letting out a battle cry and rushing forward, blades crashing together.

As soon as metal hit metal and sparks flew, Rapunzel ran directly to Varian. She wasn't just going to leave him out in the open, and she could tell that Cass was scared about something, so maybe that would reduce her anxiety and help her concentrate on the task at hand.

Rapunzel scooped Varian up in her arms with some difficulty, and held him close, watching with wide eyes as Cassandra battled the two twin brothers.

She seemed to only be more concentrated on one, so this left the other with no battle to fight. Immediately, his one eye glanced over at princess Rapunzel and Varian. He smirked, and started walking over.

Without thinking, Rapunzel ran. She ran through the forest as fast as she possibly could, her wind blowing in the breeze behind her. She didn't glance back, but she could hear the brother's breathing and footsteps right behind her.

She felt a tug on her hair, and she nearly fell back. Turning, she saw that the man had run his sword through her hair and stabbed it into the ground, preventing her from going anywhere.

Rapunzel set down Varian and tried pulling, trying to get out to run, but there was no use. He lifted the sword from her hair and started towards her, swinging it in sharp, deadly motions. 

Scared, she glanced towards Varian, then towards the man wielding the blade. She had to protect Varian, however, she couldn't do that if someone was waving a blade in her face. 

Rapunzel pulled the beads out of her hair, letting it fall loose and into strands she could grab. With a small smirk, she began to fight, focused on both the Stabbington brother, and the alchemist at the same time.

"Lance! Eugene! Cass!" she cried, getting pushed back slowly by her attacker. If this kept up, she would probably be turned into Corona Royal Ka-bob. And from a personal experience, Ka-bob tasted rather awful.

She fought long, and she fought hard, hoping that one of her trusty allies would come to her aid in this battle.

Once Cass spotted Rapunzel, the amount of anxiety rising in her chest ceased, and she fought with her strength to her blade.

What worried her most, was when the other brother ran off, probably to follow Rapunzel.

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