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(Warning!: Violence!)

"Princess Rapunzel!"

Rapunzel groaned, her eyes fluttering open, adjusting to the dark room. She spotted a dark figure standing beside her bed, which she quickly recognized as Pete. He looked...worried, scared even.

This sent a jolt through her. She sat up, furrowing her brows, "Yes, Pete? What's the matter?" she questioned, rubbing her tired eyes.

Pete visibly looked shaken, there was definitely something wrong, "I-it's Varian, your majesty..." he stuttered out.

Rapunzel widened her eyes, 'What's wrong with Varian? Is he hurt?" she asked quickly.

Pete shook his head quickly, "No, y-your majesty. He's gone."

Her heart stopped. She immediately jumped out of bed, grabbing a candle bra off her nightstand and practically running to the dungeon, her bare feet slapping the cold, hard ground.

Her mind was reeling. 'How could he escape?' she thought as she ran, making her way down the dark, concrete stairs to the dark dungeon where Varian's cell was located.

She spotted Cap and Stan by his cell, Cap examining the lock. Stan exchanged a nervous look with Pete, who had just arrived with the princess. Rapunzel gasped when she saw the lock to his cell. It was complete demolished, from the outside.

Cap shook his head and stood, turning to the princess with a frustrated expression. "The kid must have used one of his inventions to blow up the lock. Either that, or he had help." he said, looking at the lock once more with a frown.

"That makes no sense..." Rapunzel muttered. She turned to Stan and Pete, her eyebrows furrowed, "Who was watching his cell?"

Stan shrugged, "I don't know, a fellow guard. He said Cap assigned him to watch over the prisoner, so we went with it." Pete nodded in agreement.

Captain looked at them both with a confused look, "I never assigned a guard to watch him..."

Cap and Rapunzel exchanged a worried look. There was more to this than they knew...

Rapunzel looked at Pete and Stan, "Search his cell for anything unusual."

She turned to Cap, "We need to talk."

Saying Varian's head hurt a bit was an understatement. It hurt worse than an infected stab wound. 

He groaned and opened his eyes, blinking. The world spun around him, his head throbbing. He remembered being in his cell, then nothing else. He went to rub his temples, though his hand stopped halfway. 

Varian raised an eyebrow and looked down at his hand. He sighed softly. He was chained, to his chair. He looked around, and saw literally nothing except a candle, the light flickering peacefully.

"I see you're awake..."

Varian looked over to his right, and saw a man in a black cloak leaned back in a chair similar to the one he currently sat in, twirling a knife in his hands.

Varian swallowed a lump in his throat, and spoke, "Who are you?" he asked, trying to sound as confident as possible.

The man only chuckled, "Scared, are we?" he stood, his hood falling down to reveal the guard that handled him before. 

Varian growled, "You. Let me go."

The guard raised an eyebrow and approached him, "Or what? You'll hurt me?" he taunted, cackling afterwards.

Varian huffed and tugged on his chains, trying his best to get free. He hissed in pain afterwards, the cuffs having cut into his skin, leaving the skin on his wrists irritated and bloody.

The guard walked over and put his hands on the arm rests of the chair and faced Varian, their faces inches away, "Listen here, moon scum. I don't know why you decided to show up now. Corona was fine without you."

Varian was too scared to react. He just stared into the guard's brown, dead looking eyes, wide eyed.  

The guard smirked, noticing just how scared Varian really was, "You're soon going to get what you really deserve.." He snarled, his voice soft, sounding even more threatening.

Varian shivered, his heart pounding in his chest. 'He's going to kill me...' Varian thought, his mind reeling through the things that this guy could do to him. 

The guard took a step back with a smirk and positioned his knife right above Varian's collar bone, looking him dead in the eyes once more.

"We're going to make these next days miserable for you, you know that right?"

Varian didn't respond, and received a cut by the knife. He whimpered, feeling the knife cut his flesh. It was enough to make him crazy. The guard didn't stab him, but barely cut him, so it felt like a sharp prick and throb.

The guard continued to whisper words in his ear, cutting him up until he was whimpering in pain and fear. Eventually, the stepped back, and left him in the dark, candlelit room, alone. He pulled on the cuffs frantically, hoping, praying that somehow they would let go, or break. But they never did.

His fate was in the people's hands. The guard had told him, that by morning, the townsfolk will have decided whether or not he was to be slaughtered by knife, or burned by the stake. The thought of it made him ill.

These people thought he was some magical being that could cause destruction. That was the worst part. He was being killed for something he didn't even know about.

Varian stared at the door where the guard had left, huffing softly. Were they just going to leave him here until morning?

Shortly after this thought, the door opened. He braced himself for the guard's murderous look, but was greeted by a cheerful face. A woman walked through the door, in some dark cloak with moon phases stitched on it.

She looked excited for some reason. Varian watched her closely, his eyes wide. She had long white hair and bright blue eyes. She walked closer to him, and held out her hand for him to shake, which confused him, "Hello, Moon Child. I am priest Luna."

Varian lifted his hand, causing the chains to rattle. Priest Luna nodded, clearly embarrassed, "Oh yes, right."

She pulled up and chair and sat in front of him, putting her hands in her lap with a grin. "So, Moon Child.."

"It's Varian.." Varian said softly.

Priest Luna was taken aback. "Oh...Well then, Varian, what brings you to our village?"

Varian rolled his eyes, "I was brought here against my own will, chained up, cut, and now I'm going to be wrongfully killed in a few days. That's why I'm here."

Man, this woman was testing his patience. Did she not know, or something?

The priest continued to talk with Varian, until the guard from before arrived again, and asked her to come. She excused herself and left. The guard smirked evilly and Varian and the door closed.

All he heard, was the woman's mangled screams and a thud, accompanied by a pool of blood soaking in from under the door.

Varian swallowed a lump in his throat and watched, his eyes filled with tears.

He was in a lot of trouble.

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