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{Video by MsSue1993 on YouTube}

{Warning: Triggers ahead such as blood, accidental suicide and death. If you get triggered by these things, I would advise you not to proceed. Thank you.}

Varian fell, and the Stabbington brother ran. That's all Rapunzel could recall. She was in shock nonetheless as she stared at the fallen alchemist who lay still on the ground, tears welling up in her green eyes and slipping down her cheeks. She began to sob as she knelt down and held the wounded teenager in her arms, cupping his cheek gently with her hand that shook uncontrollably from fear.

"Stay with me, Varian," she muttered to him as his eyes began to droop, his skin getting more pale by the minutes that passed. She swallowed and looked up and all around. There was no one in sight.

"HELP!" she yelled, her sobs getting louder, "please..."

Just as she said so, she heard heavy boots coming in her direction. She looked up, scared it was the other Stabbington brother coming to finish the job his sibling fled from, but to their relief, it was Lance.

When his eyes landed on the pair, his skin paled and her froze, his eyes growing wide. He dropped his blade and ran, kneeling beside them. He scooped up Varian without a word and ran, and Rapunzel knew exactly where he was going and what he was thinking. 

Varian needed to get back to the castle. Now.

Eugene helped Cass to her feet, keeping her steady and she wiped her dusty clothes off and took a breather. She had been hurt, but not very badly. Just winded, and just cut up. After a few hours in the healing ward, she would be fine.

She looked up and smiled at him, but it quickly faded with her eyes landed on something behind him. Eugene raised an eyebrow and turned, but was nearly knocked off his feet when Lance came running past him, something in his arms, but he couldn't really make out what it was.

Next, came blondie, who was crying and bloody. Wait. Bloody? Eugene made sure Cass could stand by herself before running over to his girlfriend, his eyes full of worry. When he reached her, she stumbled into his arms with heartbroken sobs, gripping onto him like her life depended on it.

"R-Raps, what happened?" Cassandra asked as she herself stumbled to their side. 

"It's Varian...." she managed to choke out between sobs, "h-he..."

"He what?" Eugene asked in a soft, quiet tone.

"He was stabbed."

Color drained from Cassandra's face. She turned, and started running without a word. She needed to know where Lance had gone. That must have been Varian he was carrying...it must be.

He couldn't die, not now. This wasn't how it was supposed to end. They were supposed to save him, not get him killed.

At this point in time, Cass could think of nothing except the young alchemist and his well being.

'He has to be okay,' she thought as she neared the edge of the forest and spotted the town's stable and their steeds, 'he has to.'

"What, do, you, want?" a deep voice demanded, coming from a cloaked figure with large eyes that glowed yellow.

Cassandra was extremely suspicious, so she stayed on guard in case he decided to try anything.

"Uhm, hi. So sorry to bother you, sir. I wanted to ask you about my hair?" Rapunzel said, breaking the awkward silence, "because you're such a magic expert-"

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