Distance Between Us

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Omg Please WATCH the video guys, it's very related to this chapter. I cry, my smol sheith heart.
( as brothers lol)




Keith groaned, the cold floor had left his body sore. He pushed himself up slowly, squinting at the bright light coming into the room.

His head was pounding. His phone was dead. He put the useless thing on the table and checked the time on a wall clock.

10: 47 AM

He didn't remember falling asleep, but everything before, he couldn't forget.

The sleep deprived boy sighed, knowing how much trouble he will be in when he walks into the school at this hour.

Maybe he shouldn't go but he needed to talk to Shiro.

Ten minutes later, Keith came back downstairs wearing a black galaxy sweater, skinny jeans and a white bandage on the side of his head since the bathroom mirror had exposed last night's cause of bleeding.

He grabbed some cash from a nearby counter, pulled on his usual boots and slammed the door behind him.

Right when he was leaving his house, a car had pulled up on the street in front of him.

Okay... this is unusual. No one ever comes here, he told himself.

He managed to look away from the vehicle and its driver until he was walking past them. Then he looked.

A middle aged woman wearing really big sunglasses was looking his way, however he couldn't see her eyes and her expression.

He rolled his eyes, stuffing his hands in his pockets and wishing he had thought of locking the door of his house.

I don't have time for this right now.

Is she alone?

No, I can see a man in the backseat. Why is the perv hiding?

Is this one of those times where they take the person on the sidewalk and stuff him in their car? Is that what this is?

He slowly palmed his jeans' backpocket where he kept his knife.

No sudden movements from them. However, the closing of a door echoed before he could go too far.

" Keith! Keith Kogane?" The woman shouted after him, her heels carrying her quickly toward him.

At the mention of his name, Keith tensed and gulped hard.

He immediately turned to face her so he wouldn't be surprised when she's too close.

She finally stood a few feet away from him, probably wondering why on earth he hadn't answered yet.

He didn't. He stared at her, his eyes in slits, studying her from head to toe.

Her short dark hair barely rested on her shoulders. The top she wore hugged her arms tightly, exposing a fair amount of muscle, but not to a point where it looked wrong.

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