Twisted Sunday

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And yet again! Chapter dedicated to Engaged_Yaoi_God because she is SO SUPPORTIVE AND HER COMMENTS ARE ALWAYS ON POINT. Her stories are also interesting, go ahead and check them out!

Also dedicated to MovieMusicFan because she voted on every chapter and I couldn't put one name only. THANK YOU so much for reading I hope you like this chapter!

( How many VOTES for KLANCE ??



Lance searched around the bed with his hands until he touched the cotton fabric of Keith's dark shirt behind him. He turned his bare upper body toward the boy only to find him still asleep.

A smile crept up on his face as his conscience spoke to him.

You're so whipped dude...

-Maybe, but what's wrong with that? He talked back to it in his head like a crazy person.

You don't even know where this is going.

-That's also true, but I don't have to. We'll figure it out.


- Look at him sleeping. He's so beautiful. Who could believe that I hated this guy almost two months ago?


- It's crazy, I just want to see him happy. I can't stand him being in pain.

Why don't you-

- I swear, he's so perfect and he doesn't see it. I could look at him for-  this time he's interrupted by his conscience.

OKAY! I give up! Like him all you want. Sheesh. It was easier trying to talk you out of relationships when you were straight.

Lance's fingers moved the boy's hair away from his face. He always found his hair fascinating even though it must be harder to keep it arranged. However, his companion's hair never failed to look perfect. He just couldn't imagine Keith without a mullet.

Moving closer, the bed creaked lightly under his weight as he planted a kiss on the boy's exposed forehead. Their night had been... a special one.

* Flashback *

" Come sleep in my bed?" He'd asked with hopeful eyes. The darkness engulfing his emotion tainted question.

Keith's hesitation was evident for a few seconds, Lance almost heard the " no " that was threatening to roll off his tongue.

But it never came.

In a moment, Keith was giving a tired one sided smile. His eyes held a spark as he removed his bed cover off his body.

Lance was quick to pull his shirt off and hold the bed cover up for Keith to slide under.

The fabric hid their entire bodies as they exchanged a quick kiss before Keith got his face out from under it, Lance doing the same.

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