Dreadful Monday 2

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" ARE YOU CRAZY ?!" Lance yelled, his grip only tightening over Keith's arm and shoulder.

Keith pushed back. He pushed at Lance's taller body but was shocked when he didn't move.

" Uh.." He panicked. Lance was a lot stronger than he remembered.

" You brought your knife to school to threaten me?! What? You wanna stab me now?! " Lance yelled, smacking him into the wall again.

If Keith intended to stay calm earlier, the need to do that vanished into thin air now.
He took a hold of Lance's hands and attempted to pry them off. Lance groaned but refused to move off him.

Keith started to kick at the brunet's legs, wanting to create space between the two. God knows, he hated feeling trapped too.

Keith's anger escalated from none to maximum in a matter of seconds, and Lance found himself on the bathroom floor, receiving punch after punch courtesy of the ball of fury on top of him.

He put his hands in front of his face for protection; the strength Keith had suddenly gathered was far beyond Lance's comprehension. How does one unleash this much anger so fast?

Beads of sweat formed on Keith's forehead as his movements came to a halt. He stopped to breathe properly, but to his dismay, Lance took the chance to flip their bodies over and collided his vengeful fist to his jaw. Keith was taken by surprise, jaw throbbing, a metal-like taste spread in his mouth.

" Lance... " The pleading voice of Hunk echoed in the now closed area. However, it went unnoticed.

Lance could physically feel his ears fly off his head and hibernate when Keith let out a loud, angry scream. He screamed, because he was not in the position he wanted to be. He screamed, because no matter how hard he tried to flip their bodies back over, Lance wouldn't allow it. The tanned boy held the angry boy's arms down, sat on his stomach, enduring the storm.

" Keith." He spoke, with sudden authority.

When the red hooded boy didn't stop thrusting, pushing and groaning to find a way out of under lance's body, the latter yelled.

" Mullet, stop!"

For a split second, Keith stopped. And that split second was all Lance needed.

" I don't want to hurt you any further. I'm gonna let go of you, but you have to promise you'll calm down." He said gently, keeping steady eye contact.

Keith didn't speak. He stared at Lance with eyebrows furrowed and eyes searching for anything sketchy.

" Do you promise?" Lance asked even softer.

Keith nodded, his hair falling down to cover his eyes. Slowly, the taller one got off his stomach and let go of his arms. Keith squirmed and backed into the corner again, taking full breaths.

" Did Lance win?" Pidge whispered from a little opening in the door.

Lance was rubbing his face, feeling like a bulldozer just ran him. When he removed his hand, different parts of it were stained with blood. He also shook his head at his scratched arms. No, not like cat scratches. It was like a lion attack, no less. But he'd grown up with many siblings, he eventually grew used to it.

" You okay, Lance?" Hunk asked, coming closer to the boy with the bleeding face.

" I don't know." Lance admitted, turning toward the boy in the corner." I thought we were beginning to get along, but I just broke my promise on you."

" Yeah?" Keith asked, slowly standing.
Hunk was looking simultaneously at the two, about to say something when Keith just-

" Well now so did I! " He yelled, tackling Lance on the floor again. Hunk quickly pulled Keith's arms behind his back, making him let out a sharp cry.

" WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" A loud, demanding voice asked. They both turned to get a look at their principle, a young woman named Allura Hayes. Pidge was at the door looking at her wide eyed. Hunk slowly let go of the angry boy's arms and stood aside.

" Keith!" Someone else yelled in rage.

Lance straightened himself to see, since Keith had immediately gotten up. The person stood next to the principle, arms crossed, chest heaving up and down with that assistant's coach whistle around his neck.

It was Shiro.

Author's note

Longer chapterr
This was both the best and the hardest thing I wrote so far ._.

The actual series don't really get into Lance's problems that much. And I wanted to show that he's not a total goofball. He's got a dark side just like everyone does. I also wanted to show y'all that Keith can't be strong ALL of the time, because nobody is. In fact, his excess energy allows him to lose focus at times.

Read the next chapter to learn the results of this fight sighhhh

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