Getaway Friday

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* I'm still aliveeeee!

Guys hey, please read the very long author's note in which I explain myself and answer the questions at the end. I need your opinions pretty please ( NEW STORYYYYY ) *

Dedicated to Engaged_Yaoi_God ! I know I shouted her out before but she deserves it. She's been here from the start. And she even reads my poetry book! Thank you.

Enjoy this chapter loves!


If Keith were a character in a movie, he would be one that viewers now yelled at " Cmon! Do something!"

Because guess what?

He's been staring at Lance for two minutes straight and his face is warmer than a heater.

" I mean, I can look at you all day. But I'd rather look at you all day- at Woodland Paradise." Lance chuckled, closing in on the silent boy and kneeling beside him.

The tan boy grabbed whatever clothes Keith had folded and started placing them neatly in the open bag.

" H.. Hey." Keith finally spoke, kind of breathlessly, making the other laugh.

" Mullet, you never were one to act so awkward. Don't go soft on me now," Lance snaked his fingers slowly toward his hand,

" Although.. It's kind of cute."

With a bite of his lower lip and a clearing of his throat, Keith regained his usual attitude and pulled his hand away.

" Ehm.. Don't call me cute, loser."


Keith took forever saying goodbye to Shiro, but once that door closed, he remembered his words.

I trust him.

Do you?

And he did. He trusted Lance so much he was getting in a car for two hours with him to a place he wasn't that familiar with.

Lance blasted music, and started his own concert which made the atmosphere a lot more fun.

" I can't believe you listen to pop songs this much." Keith blurted in between Look what you made me do and Friends.

Lance turned down the volume, and from the look in his eyes, Keith knew he shouldn't have spoken.

This ought to be fun, he thought.

" Excuse me? I am a very positive person and I need aesthetic, relatable and fun lyrics that Rock bands do not offer me. It's like the sweet underrated girl in school everyone assumes is an annoying cheerleader when she's not. I love dark themed songs, but I will not hesitate to murder anyone who offends Pop music."

Keith raised an eyebrow, wondering if an asylum is needed or not.

" You know you just defended Pop music by insulting cheerleaders. Ah, typical human nature." He smiled, shaking his head at the glaring boy.

Sure, Lance switched his playlist to Rock songs after that, but his point had been somewhat moved across.

And he might have gotten a couple of hundred selfies where Keith was trying to hide from the camera under his hoodie but eventually gave up so Lance would focus on the road.

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