Ocean Eyes

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The song. With The Klance Art. How peaceful.

I hope you like this chapter



Loud cheering erupted as soon as Lance set foot on school grounds. After a forced and dry wave at his parents' car, he got pulled by Pidge and Hunk who engulfed him in a hug he thought he wouldn't survive.

" Oof- w-wanna send me back to the hospital, guys?" He squeezed out the words as Hunk's arms tightened around his fluffy white jacket.

" Oh shut up, Lance," Hunk whined,

" Nobody ever died from a hug. Besides,  just last week we thought you were a goner."

The bulky guy pulled back, revealing the tears in his eyes.

" Don't you ever scare us like that again," Pidge threatened as she snuggled herself closer to him. Her face was buried just under his chest, that's how short she is. It's adorable.

" I was so worried, I couldn't even touch my laptop to do any research," she admits.

Lance sighed, seeing his own breath travel out in the cold air. He hugs Pidge and nuzzles his cheek down to her strawberry scented hair.

" I missed you guys, too."

People from school surrounded the trio, worry in their eyes. Lance knew this would happen because he had gotten a bunch of texts asking if he was okay from people he hadn't talked to in months. Some of them were old friends from basketball that he drifted away from when he found more common interests with Hunk and Pidge.

Looks like people only care when you're 'dying', he told himself.

Nevertheless, he was nice to them as they asked a series of questions he gladly answered, leaving Keith out of the subject of course.


He gulps as he is led into the hallways by his best friends. Keith and him were aware that them spending time together wasn't encouraged by neither Lance's parents or Shiro. They'd agreed to keep some distance until...

Come to think of it, they didn't really agree on anything. Lance figured he would show up and see how the day plays out.

Ever since his heartfelt confession, Keith had noticeably opened up. Things he never talked about were brought up. He told him about his foster home days, about Shiro's parents and after some hesitance, he mentioned his mother.

Yes, his mother whom he thought was freaking dead came back into his life and he waited nearly a week to say anything about it.

Lance was dumbfounded, to say the least. That night, he stayed silent on the phone waiting for a painful sob that accompanied bitter words like just kidding, my mother's dead,

... but that never came. Keith sounded confused yet finally at peace as he talked about her. He said she and his father had a big fight when he was little. He said she left them to go find herself and that was a decision she will regret for the rest of her life. When she'd tried to go back to her family, her husband had already passed away due to an excessive substance abuse. He had let himself go for a long time, giving in to the alcohol and the smokes. She learned from neighbors that at one point, Keith would be crying for days and he would be too drunk to react.

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