Detention Tuesday

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If you wander around Garrison High long enough after school hours, you get to see the kind of people who roam the hallways.

A flirtatious couple here and there; too busy to notice the hallways clearing, the occasional smoker leaning on a staircase and the ones who had been sleeping in class just waking up.

If you follow the smell of desperation, you might find the detention room, where all the rebels and the sassy mouths end up. There were a few usuals scribbling down on papers and some new ones who looked around nervously.

But on this chilly October Tuesday, everyone in detention room witnessed something new, something weird.

" What??" Keith groaned, his body shooting up.

The principle stood in front of the two teens, her usually happy face distorted into a mean scowl.

" You heard me. For an hour after school, you two are to sit in detention holding hands. If one of you lets go, Mr. Coran will restart the hour."

Lance glanced at Mr. Coran who sat at the desk in the front of the class, he'd wiggled his eyebrows teasingly pointing at his watch. Keith and him were in the back of the class. He'd walked in the room first and noticed the two chairs next to each other with no tables in sight, ready to hold them hostages for the next two weeks.

" This seems ridiculous. I'm not gonna hold Keith's stupid hand. Being as ignorant as he is, he'll probably dig his nails in my skin the whole time." He huffed in his seat.

" He will do no such thing", Allura guided Keith to sit back down next to Lance,

" Psychologically, we hurt other people because we ourselves are hurt. It's proven that connecting with a person physically and getting closer to them makes it much harder to hurt them. We are less likely to hurt someone whom we feel their pulse, the way they breathe, their every move. I'd like to believe that in two weeks, I will never receive complaints or hear your arguments in my hallways anymore.
Two handsome guys like you, all bloody now. Come on, lads! We're all grown ups here. Make the contact."

The principle was smiling in encouragement now, looking from Mr.Coran to the duo in the chairs. Keith's eyes traced around every sniggering face in the room. His chest heaved up and down.

I'd rather get expelled, he was about to say when he saw Lance hold out his strong, tan hand for him.

Keith widened his eyes, breaths short and mind indecisive. He looked from the waiting hand to the strong jaw, the pointy nose and the honest blue eyes on that traditionally attractive face. Lance's eyebrows were furrowed and he looked like he wanted to get it over with.

I can't do this. I can't hold his hand for so much time. I can't stay between these four closing walls for an hour, I can't connect with someone I beat up, I can't calm the h-

" Keith." Shiro called from the door. It seemed like he had been watching for some time. The rest of the students present kept their gazes on him as he walked to the back of the class. He leaned down, putting a hand on Keith's shoulder and looking him in the eyes.

" You can trust Lance." He said softly. Lance's hand had long gone numb. He'd been massaging it while throwing weird glances at his team captain and the assistant coach whispering things in his ear. His brain started coming up with theories, many of them cringe worthy, so he pushed them all aside. After all, Shiro and Keith had always seemed to be so close.

When he came back to reality, Keith's hand was outstretched but he was looking at Shiro leaving the room.

Lance quickly made contact with the pale hand and squeezed it just enough to be considered holding hands.

" Can we start the hour now?" The boy in the blue denim jacket asked.

Allura nodded toward the middle aged red head at the teacher's desk who checked his watch.

" Alright, students. Make the best out of this next hour and I hope not to see you in detention anymore." She flashed a motherly smile at the class and closed the door after her.

Silence. Other students looked at them for a while before getting bored and resuming their trivial activities. They didn't look at each other once, or move for that matter , they only breathed because they had to.

" Your hand is so sweaty." Keith spat quietly, leaning an elbow on his lap, looking away.

" Well, your hand is shaking like a freaking vibrator." Lance rolled his eyes, facing the other way.

Author's note

Did anyone else wish for a punishment like this with their crush? Lol

I really love these two so much. But like if I had to choose my favorite would be Keith.

Who's yourrrr favorite? And please, do tell why! I'd love to know.

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