Chapter 9

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A/n: I'm hoping to add some more scenes with (C/n) after this chapter. Do you think adding in the random character Sean is a good thing? Anyways, thanks for reading, as always I really appreciate it! (Heads up: I may disappoint with this chapter, I don't think it's that good)

(Y/n) P.O.V.

~The next day~

Mom called in sick for me, I have the day off of school today, she didn't ask what happened, apparently Sean told her and now he is allowed to come visit me... What is my life right now? A piece of rubbish, I actually had a panic attack in front of that guy, it's happened before, but in public? Nope. I actually wouldn't have minded if (FE/n) and her minions beat me up more that day, I don't want to be here anymore. Everything in the world is wrong with me in it, people get hurt. They get hurt and it's all my fault. I don't want to deal with this anymore, I can't take all this guilt and pain I need to...

Buzz Buzz. I got a text from (BF/n) and one from (C/n). I don't know why he is texting. Oh, it is probably about our English project.

(BF/n): Hey (Y/n)! I heard that (FE/n) decided to beat you up yesterday. They are going to get my wrath trust me, no one hurts you and gets away with it!

[Received 9:15am]

(Y/n): Please don't. It's fine, I am fine, you don't need to do this.

[Sent 9:17am]

(BF/n): But (N/n)!

[Received 9:17am]

(Y/n): No buts, I am fine... honestly. Violence back will get you in trouble and I don't want that!

[Sent 9:17am]

(BF/n): *sigh* Fine, whatever...

[Received 9:18am]

I think I made them mad... great now they probably won't talk to me, well I guess that it is best for everyone if no one talks to me anymore. Let's see what (C/n) has to say, I think after this project I can avoid him for good.

(C/n): Hey (Y/n)! I heard that you weren't feeling well today and the teacher has given me your homework for today. I asked (BF/n) for your address and I will be heading to yours later for a visit. See you later!

[Received 9:15am]

Oh God... What do I do? Why do I have such bad luck? I can't not tell him to come, but it will just be the two of us whilst mom works overtime and what if he asks me something strange? How am I supposed to answer him now?

(Y/n): Hi (C/n), You don't really have to take the time to come over to give me my work, if you give it to (BF/n) she/he could give it to me instead...

[Sent 9:20am]

(C/n): It's no trouble at all (Y/n)! We have to start our project at some point too and I am really worried about you. I will see you soon. X

[Received 9:21am]

Huh? (C/n) is worried? They are worried about me? That makes no sense... Wait, did he just send me a kiss!? Fine, I will deal with this later and he probably hit a button by accident or something. With this thought in mind I drift off into a sleep, my surroundings getting darker by the second, the colour black at the forefront of my mind.

(C/n) P.O.V.

RING! RING! (Form time - 8:50 AM)

I take my seat in my form room and notice something odd... Where is (Y/n)? Why isn't she in today? Did something happen? I grew more anxious as the register was being taken.

"(C/n)" Called out Mr Browne, the history teacher. I followed with my reply, uncertainty in my voice. This no doubt caught the attention of Rohit and even Sean. Me and Sean weren't close, but we weren't exactly strangers either, it is nice to know he is a caring guy.

"Hey man, What's wrong with you?" Rohit asks, concern lacing his voice. I don't know how to respond, he knows I am close to... used to be close to (Y/n), maybe he will understand my worry for her. But maybe he won't.

"Nothing" I don't think he believes me as he gives me one of his famous looks, it's the – Right and you think I am dumb look. I just sigh, guess nothing gets past Mr Hawkeyes "It's (Y/n), I, she was fine yesterday, I wonder what could have happened. I hope she's alright." After a moment of silence, Rohit raises his hand and flicks me on the forehead. "What the hell man? That actually hurts!" I whine at his action.

"Are you dumb? You're actually dumb, you get high grades and you have no common sense at all!" Rohit says frustratedly, wow, that actually hurts man... but what is he talking about? I give a confused look at him, to which he responds with a deep sigh and a "You have her number, just text her or something." He finished with an eye roll and then we hear a snigger from the left of us, it was Sean.

"Warui warui! I don't mean to laugh. I just found it funny" What the... Did I say something funny? "(Y/n) isn't in today because.... She, erm because" Why is he so hesitant? He's making me worry more!

"She what!?" I say impatiently getting a glare of warning off of Rohit and I looked up to the shocked face of Sean that seemed to be permanently stuck there for a while... What is he trying to do? The mannequin challenge? "Sorry, I didn't mean to.... Er, carry on please."I counteres, trying to get him to focus in the important task.

"Well, yesterday she kind of... hurt herself and so I took her home... and t-told her mom." Sean spoke explaining what happened, but I feel like there is so much more to it then that, but he isn't telling me.

"SHE WHAT!?" A loud voice was heard in the area surrounding me, Sean and Rohit, making us all jump out of our seats and look in the direction. There stood an enraged (BF/n).

A while later, the bell rang for first lesson and everyone got up to leave. I saw (BF/n) alone, against the room for science, oh that reminds me! I raced towards (BF/n) happily and asked them... "Hey (BF/n), I have a favour" I say as I bring my right hand to the back of my neck and give a sheepish smile, I was nervous... Why am I so nervous?

"Yes (C/n)? Anything I can help with?" They ask kindly, patiently awaiting my answer.

"Well... I was wondering if you can tell me where (Y/n) lives and-" I look at her/his face to see it change dramatically... if looks could kill, they would kill me before I finish my sentence, so I race to finish before they have a chance to strike at me "Theteacheraskedmetogive(Y/n)herhomeworksetandiamworriedabouther" I mentally face palm at my stupidity, how long was that sentence!?

"Again and in English." An annoyed (BF/n) said.

I took a deep breath, I don't know why, but I just couldn't get (Y/n's) crying face out of my head. "The teacher asked me to give (Y/n) her homework set and I am worried about her... So, can I know where she lives?" I asked and looked at (BF/n) who looked shocked but then surprisingly she/he started to form a smile that sort of ended up turning into a smirk? What are they thinking?

"Sure I will" They enthusiastically chime and I could only nod to that. "She lives at (Your address-which can also not be your address but a dream place you want to live at)." They finish and I note it down in my phone and start walking to lesson, whilst also texting (Y/n) to let them know I will be coming for a visit.

In the middle of Mr Enton's business lesson I heard my phone buzz, who could that – wait! (Y/n) right!? I snuck my phone out my pocket and started to read... What? Give the work to (BF/n), there is no way right, we have our English project to start and finish and somehow... Somehow, I really want to see you. I want to make sure you are okay (Y/n), so I want to see you, I want to talk to you. I typed my reply without thinking much about it until it sent, I looked back and was mentally freaking out... I, I just sent her a KISS?? Through text yeah, but still, and what's even worse is she's already read it!

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