Chapter 36

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A/n: This takes place a few weeks after the Ferris wheel incident... It is a Sean and Jace scene, hopefully it's okay. Thanks for reading! 

Sean's P.O.V.

"So, where were we Sean?" Jace asks me seductively, clambering on top of me so that we are... well it's an awkward position. His eyes entrance me, enticing me to move closer, I feel my face heat up the more the distance between us shortens. A subtle brush of his lips kiss my right cheek, then my left cheek. Jace kisses all over my face, everywhere but my lips.

"Jace!" I whine at him, he's such a tease! I hear his laughter resound in my ears and my heart can't help but skip a beat. Jace is so, so handsome. The way he lights up when he laughs, the way he nerds out when I talk about something we both like. I couldn't imagine anyone more perfect. I decide to be bold and move so that our lips are only a few centimetres apart.

I place my hand on his neck to draw him closer. I know how shy I am to say I like you, but maybe this will suffice? Maybe he'll feel my emotions? I'm so cheesy, how embarrassing!

"Eww, it's Sean. I heard he tried to force a kiss on Tyler."

"Gross! What is wrong with him?"

"He even tried to seduce my boyfriend!"

"What a creep! Let's keep away from him."

"Disgusting gays are around here."

Voices, so many voices. I glance around at my surroundings. It's just me and Jace, there is definitely no space for more people. I say that, I know them voices, they are from the past, my past. Two hands touch my cheeks and turn my head to face their direction.

"Sean? Are you okay?" Jace speaks, worry very evident in his gleaming eyes. "Am I doing something wrong?" How could he think he's doing something wrong? I try to will my mouth to speak, my voice to come out, but I can't. It's like I've lost it. Instead I frantically shake my head a no, my eyes pleading for him to believe my failed response. "Then... You don't mind if I kiss you now?" He speaks, but rather than wait for an answer, he tilts my head up slightly and....


"Whaa!" I scream and hit the floor with a thunk. "Ugh, what the..." I routinely move my head to the clock on my bedside table. 8:00 AM. It's 8 o'clock! Crap!

I rush around to do my daily routine before school at a much speedier pace. I had to miss breakfast! I say my goodbyes to my mom before running out the house and on a full sprint to school before I get another late mark and end up with a very much unwanted detention. I race into my form room and sit near (Y/n). That's strange, normally (C/n) and Rohit are there talking to us, all I see is Rohit sitting next to (Y/n), both looking in confusion at a certain unlikely couple conversing.

"Okay, please listen out for your names." Said our teacher. I wonder what Jace would be like as a teacher... Oh my God! Stop it Sean. Embarrassed, I start to close in on myself hoping that no one would notice me and my flushing face.

It's been a few more weeks and my dreams are becoming more vivid, they seem so real to me and I feel like I'm getting fantasy mixed up with reality. I try to keep away from Jace as much as I can, it's not good for my heart. The other day I definitely almost made a massive fool of myself. Okay, I did make a fool out of myself, I fell onto Jace and let's just say that he ended up in more pain than he would have liked.

~ Flashback ~

"So I'll see you at school next week (Y/n)!" I beam up at my friend who raises a small smile and a two hand wave. I walk out of her room, obviously ignoring my churning stomach that would like me to head towards Jace's room on the left. Normally we would talk for a bit and I'd leave after, this time I'm determined to slink away without him noticing me. Every time I glance at him my heart pounds thunderously in my chest as I recall the past event, the Ferris wheel and that... kiss. Argh! Sean, just leave. I bash the side of my head with my hands, trying to disperse the image from my mind. With a huff of breath out I just as quickly turn to exit the house, only I didn't see the other person a few centimetres away from me.

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