Chapter 29

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A/n: I realised that I didn't put a trigger warning in the last chapter so I apologise! If you are going through stuff and it feels like you can't find a way out, as cringey as it sounds, please know you aren't alone, people care about you even if you can't see it right now. Please do talk to someone. I'm open to listen anytime!


"W-why? Why has this hap-p-pened?" I cry out, weeping at the hospital where I was notified of my daughter's attempt. Suicide attempt. Everything I tried to keep her away from. I tried to help her but I wasn't good enough. I couldn't protect her...

(Y/n) please, I can't lose you. I already lost (B/n). I can't lose you too.

"(M/n)!" I hear two voices simultaneously call my name and through the blurred tears I shed, I look up to see Jace and Sean running towards me and both engulfing me in a hug as an act of comfort.

"What did the doctors say?" Jace speaks in worry and immense alarm. His face moving everywhere, eager to get a glimpse of her, to see if she is okay. This isn't his fault, he tried to help her. He treated her like his own sister. I saw a small spark behind her eyes, a spark that I saw when she interacted with them, her two brothers' - Jace and Sean. Sure they won't ever amount to the real thing but I thought they were helping. I thought if they kept on with it, I would have my daughter back. She would be happy. All I wanted was for her to be happy. I don't know how long (D/n) messed with her head and I don't know how best to help her, but she needs to wake up soon. I'll get better for her, to help her, I swear. I pray to God in my head, hopefully she will be protected.

"They said she will be okay, she's out of the critical stage. (Y/n) took quite the hit to her right arm and the side of her head. Luckily the building was not so tall or her injuries could have been worse. Just a lot of broken bones... broken bones and blood." (BF/n) speaks out for the two people beside me, she/he is a few seats to my left. I forgot she/he was beside me. They had the worst shock of it all. Their voice was devoid of any emotion, they've been staring at the same spot ever since I got to the hospital. They found (Y/n) and made the call to me. (BF/n) was supposed to meet (Y/n) afterschool to revise at the library and instead they were met with this.

(BF/n) has been still the whole time, unmoving in their seat. The time I arrived at the hospital they were in such a shock they couldn't utter a single word. I grab her/his hand and squeeze it as an act of comfort and support but they remain indifferent after saying all of that. They are facing forward, their eyes staring into space. How do I help them? I release her/his hand and look at them in worry until a strange voice calls out.

"Sean!" I see a figure running up to us, he clasps his hand on Sean's shoulder and hunches a little to catch his breath. "How is she? What did the doctor say?" He huffs out. Who is this person and how do they know my daughter?

"Excuse me, if I may ask, who are you?" I question.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You must be (Y/n's) mom, I am Rohit. A friend of (Y/n's)." I didn't know my daughter had other friends, I feel myself well up with emotion and tears sting my eyes once more, Jace hugging me tighter for comfort upon realising the change in my mood.

"Oh Rabba! (BF/n). Hey, can you hear me!?" Rohit asks as he notices (BF/n) sitting on the seat near us. He rushes to her/his side and gets down so he is at eye level with them. After receiving no response from them he gently places a hand on their shoulder and whispers out to her/him.

"Hey, it's me. Rohit. Can you hear me (BF/n)?" He starts to gently shake them where his hand is placed and a slight flicker of the eyes was seen. Is he getting through to them? "I'm here for you, we're friends, right? Don't be scared, let it all out." His voice and composure is like a God send at this time, we are all a mess of emotions and he seems like the glue that is holding us together.

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