Chapter 10

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A/n: Again, I just want to say thanks for reading, I really didn't expect anyone to be reading this, I mainly thought it would be in a corner of wattpad somewhere. So thank you so much! It may take a while for the next chapter to come out... I don't know what to put next. 

(Y/N) P.O.V.


I was disturbed from my sleep when someone knocked on the door. Who's there and what time is it? I turned and faced the clock on my side desk near my bed and my eyes widened... 15:45! I was asleep for that long!? I got up slowly because my ribs were aching like hell and trudged my way towards the door not caring about what I look like and ready to fight any door to door salesman who won't let me get a word in edgeways. I open the door and for the second time today my eyes widen in shock... Sean? What is he doing here?

"Hi (Y/n)! I came to check on you because your mom said that I can come visit!" He cheerfully exclaimed. I reluctantly let him in and as he sat on the sofa in the living room I asked him a few questions...

"How do you know where I live?" I started off my interrogation...

"Well, when you blacked out the other day I took a peak in your bag and saw your planner, it had your address in it and I took you home."

"Was my mom home when you took me? Oh and what did you tell her?" I asked a bit suspicious of him, I don't trust him.

"Yeah, your mom was home when I took you, obviously" He spoke in a sort of condescending but all knowing way "I, if you're asking what I told her I didn't truthfully say what happened. I just said that you were packing your things away and someone accidentally punched your jaw so hard that you fell on some stuff and blanked out." He is smarter than he looks... I think it is wise to stay away from him in case he find some stuff out about me.

My last question, probably the most crucial one. "Did you hear anything that (FE/n) said yesterday?"

He looked a bit unsure of what to say and then his face changed all of a sudden. "Nope, no, didn't hear a thing. I came because I heard some noise at the back of the building, didn't know you were there." He laughed awkwardly and diverted his attention away from my direction and around the room. He's lying, isn't he? He heard something right?

"Why do you care?" I question him. I just don't understand why he stepped in to save me because I don't deserve it. Why waste any time on me? Through my conflicted thoughts Sean answered, "I would do the same for anyone in that situation, but just now you looked like you didn't want someone to come find you, is that right?" I have to say, it shocked me to my core I wasn't expecting him to say that and with a serious expression nonetheless. Think (Y/n), think! What do I say to him? Before I could even say a word, there was another knock at the door. I cautiously went to answer it and there stood (C/n).

"Hey (Y/n)!" He cheerfully spoke "I brought your homework and made notes on the lessons you have with me, I was kind of hoping to start a bit on the English project if you are feeling up to it?" I just looked at him and stared... I really want to avoid him so that I don't ruin his popularity and to keep all those fangirls off of my case, but he is the only one who can get me out of this awkward situation with Sean.

"Erm, y-yeah! Sure I don't mind, I feel a lot better now." I speak and turn to let him in, walking towards the living room his eyes land upon Sean with a look of confusion.

"Hey Sean! What are you doing here?" (C/n) asked a bit confused and angry? Or upset? I can't really tell.

"I was just visiting (Y/n) after I helped her out yesterday. I have to go now though, so I will see you guys later? Take care (Y/n) and see you at school! Bye bye (C/n)!" He walked towards the door and waved with his back facing us, exiting, and leaving me with (C/n) stood in silence.

"So...." I began "Do you want to work here or in my room?" Wait, that sounded kind of wrong, I meant to start our English project. He looks at me and shows me his bright smile and replies "Working in your room sounds good, it would probably help me more if I had a desk to work on. We can brainstorm ideas together."

"Sure, let's do that then." We walked up to my room and straight away he had taken his books out and gave me my work, he was even nice enough to explain what happened in the lessons we had together. After a few hours, I was up to date with everything from today and we had made a great start to our project it was based on exploring the poetry of some guy, making a report on him, and writing our own poem inspired by said poet. I am glad that we have a few weeks because this is going to take a long time to complete, but I am surprised with how well me and (C/n) work together.

"Hey (C/n)" His head snaps up to meet my gaze "Would you like a drink? We have been working for a few hours." Why didn't I ask this earlier...? I am such a bad host.

"Sure, can I just have a soft drink please?" I nod and make my way out towards the kitchen, leaving him in my room.

(C/N) P.O.V.

(Y/n) left to get a drink for me, she's so kind and speaking with her makes me really happy, I feel like I am really close to her and call me weird, but I feel like she isn't as down as she was at the park a while back. I really need to find out why she was so upset, it is driving me inane and I don't know why.

She's taking a while to come back, I think I will explore her room I guess, I need a break from all the studying. I looked around from the (F/c) walls and decided to look at some ornaments that she has on her bookshelf. I didn't know she likes reading manga, interesting. Then something catches my eye, a frame on the top shelf of the bookcase, I took it to get a better look. It's (Y/n) and a guy? Looks like it was from a few years back. I wonder who he is? She's smiling so brightly in this picture and they both seem really close. They have their arms around each other in a semi hug and in their other hands they both hold ice cream cones, the guy looked like he was eating before the picture was taken, there seems to be a bit of ice cream on his chin.

As I am consumed with these thoughts in my mind, (Y/n) comes in with a tray in her hand with soft drinks and some snacks, she sees the frame in my hands and I think her eyes widen a bit, but she resumes her task, placing the tray on the desk near the bookshelf I was at. Seemingly the atmosphere got a bit... I don't know, but it feels tense all of a sudden. Maybe I should say something to help with this atmosphere.

"This is a really nice picture! Who is that with you? You seem to be really close and your smile, it's beautiful." I begin and she looks at the frame with some nostalgia and a rare sad but happy smile on her face. "That's my brother." She speaks, a voice full of emotions.

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