Chapter 56

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A/n: Hi, so thanks for reading guys. I don't think my writing is any good but I appreciate everyone who reads this cringey writing. Thanks again!

(Y/N) P.O.V.

"(Y/N)! Did you hear the good news? Your mom and my dad are getting married!" Kieran enthusiastically holds my shoulders and pulls me in for a hug. I stand stiff, stunned at the news. I... I'm supposed to be happy. I should be happy. Happy for my mother, so why can't I hug him back with the same excitement? Why am I uncomfortable with this?

Regaining energy in my arms I shove him away, hurt evident on his face as he disintegrates in front of me. In a panic, my head roams the atmosphere, complete pitch black for miles on end. My feet invested in escaping this unknown location start sprinting in any random direction.

A sudden spotlight flashes and I immediately come to a halt. A figure, a familiar figure appears. They turn to face me.

"Mom! Mom thank God. Where are we? How do we get –"

"How could you? How could you (Y/n)?" I blank out, my head tilts in confusion. "I thought you of all people would be happy for me! Do you not like Jason? Or do you not like Kieran?" I gape in disbelief, she would never say this to me, would she?

"Mom... It's not like –"

"You know what, I've had enough (Y/n)!" She then turns on her heels and walks off. I'm left shouting and stumbling after her, watching as she gets further and further away.

"See... I told you. You are poison." I gulp hearing the vicious words spat at me. My dad smirking at me, grinning like a fool. "You killed your own brother, your own flesh and blood. If I knew you would look like her I wouldn't have invested so much money into your schooling. You were never any good at educating yourself anyways." Whilst spouting this all at me, I feel myself shrink, becoming mouse-like as I cover my ears in an attempt to cut myself off from this person.

"(Y/n)." My dad is gone, another person appears, not giving me time to rest after the monster that was my dad.

"Jace... You're here too?" I don't feel relieved to see his face. Fear is the only thing prodding me on in this... this insanity. My adrenaline kicks in and I shuffle back a few steps, already anxious in anticipation.

"Why did I go through so much effort for you? Why if you're going to throw away everything? I promised (M/n) to help you and we're just at step one again? I'm tired. You know what I'm done with this..." A paralysing hurtful look crosses his face before he disappears out of my sight. The light fading along with it.

My eyes open in shock, I scan the environment, eyes landing on all of the familiar objects in my room. Sighing, I check the time, only to find out I had 2 hours of sleep. That dream really hit a nerve with me. It's frustrating to think I thought I moved passed this all and it just crops up again. I'm guilt-ridden, nervous, upset. Why?

I try to get a few extra winks before the day starts. The same gloomy Monday, the same grey clouds hanging in sky crying tears for centuries. The whole day of lessons breezed over and before I even noticed, I've stormed through 2 weeks of education. The only faces I remember seeing were (BF/n), Sean, (C/n) and Rohit – It was the same routine, wake up, revise, go to school, do lessons, go home, revise, eat and sleep.

Every waking hour of revision and cramming things in my mind was torture. Why is it so hard to be a student? Hopefully, the end of year GCSE's go well, if I get C's or above on everything, I know I'll have a straight route to college. This pressure though, everyone feels it right?

I finish my mock science paper and shove it in my school bag with a long sigh. After a few moments of stressful silence, the added strange atmosphere makes me feel restless. I fidget with my hands and then ball them into fists, nails digging into skin as if it will make me feel better. As if it'll take this tense feeling away from me.

I'm fine, right? (Crush x depressed reader)Where stories live. Discover now