Chapter 48

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A/n: Hello it's been a while. I hope everyone is keeping safe and well with the pandemic leading many countries into lockdown. Please stay safe everyone! Thank you for reading.

(C/n) P.O.V.

I rinse out two glasses from the cabinet and grab a juice jug, placing them, along with some snacks on a tray. I reach my room, placing what I have on my table and focusing my attention on (Y/n). She just sits there on my bed, legs dangling off the edge and a blank look on her face. I wonder what she is thinking, I saw her bawling her eyes out silently an hour ago and now she's just... Still. Unmoving, even her facial features, her eyes aren't even looking around. It's like her senses aren't working or their dull.

Oh yeah, I forgot. I take (Y/n's) phone out of my pocket and walk towards her, sitting next to her. I let a moment pass between us.

"(Y/n). I have your phone, maybe you should phone your mom? Let her know where you are." I say, not that I get a response. Not even a nod of the head. Err... What do I do?

I decide to gently reach out, I touch her arm and she doesn't even flinch. Maybe I should shake her? I do as I think and gently call her name. (Y/n) turns towards me, her (e/c) staring right through me as they blink. Their eyes are so beautiful... This isn't the time to think about that (C/n)!

"Erm, (C/n)? What did you say?" (Y/n) asks, voice devoid of any sort of emotion. Caught off guard by the hard edge of tone rather than the soft spoken person they are, I notice the feel of her hand on mine.

"Oh. Yeah, sorry. I have your phone and was wondering if you'd like to ring your mom to let them know you're safe." I explain, the puzzlement in their features urges me silently to speak on. "Oh... Well I rang a few times and your mom picked up, she was worried and asked if I would check up on you. She's worried about you." I finish up.

They nod their head in understanding, mumbling a quiet thank you as I glimpse a brief smile play upon their lips. Cute. "I... am worried about you too." Oh my God, (C/n) you idiot. What are you saying? You couldn't just shut your mouth up! Busy mentally scolding myself, (Y/n) finishes her conversation with her mother, only really catching the end of their discussion as I zone back in.

"Yes mom. I know." Which is followed by some brief muffling from her mother and a sigh from (Y/n). "Yes, I'm fine. Honestly, don't worry about me mom. I'll be back a bit later. Yeah. Love you, bye." She finishes, her thumb and finger gripping the top bit of her nose in frustration.

"Everything okay?" I speak, casually strolling towards the glasses I placed down before, pouring juice into them both and handing one to (Y/n) who gratefully takes the glass from my hand. She scours my room, walking towards my bookcase and perusing the titles on offer.

"Yeah, fine. I don't want her to worry too much, you know what mothers are like right?" I feel my lips twitch into a frown and pull them into a sort of pout just as she turns around, I nod my head a couple of times and take a sip of my drink. I sigh, walking over and placing my glass on the bed side table after I sit comfortably.

The quiet moment isn't suffocating, it's rather secure knowing that she's hovering around my room. I close my eyes and welcome the dark, my mind flashes some figures – those who love me, those who care about me and those who make me smile. Those memories will always live with me, will be the best of me always. The longer this warm feeling surrounds me the more insecure I feel.


"Get out! Just get out! I can't believe you!" My dad shouts at mom, his hand still gripping mine as we have not long just made it back home from school. I look towards my mom in confusion, she is seated on the sofa with a strange man. "I knew you were like this, everyone pointed out the signs but I didn't believe them. You know why?" My dad continued, tears slipping down his eyes as he grips my hand a bit tighter, his other hand clamps at his chest, scratching at where his heart is.

I'm fine, right? (Crush x depressed reader)Where stories live. Discover now