Resuming a new project

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I want to write a book, but this is not the first time.

I knew I'd lean towards literature since I was eight. To use the words in an special way in order to make something beautiful became in something which allowed me to create a world where everything that I wanted could happen.

Maybe at ten or eleven years old I had some very detailed nightmares. Then I thought maybe would be a good idea to write them. I wrote the first manuscript when I was only twelve. I remember I used to sit during the afternoon (after school) and just left all this creativity flow. Presently there was not only one book, actually it was a complete saga.

I left the project for a while, 'cause after reading and check it a couple times, I noticed the grammar and vocabulary were poor. Coincidentally, at that time many of the books that have influenced me were published.

I took a decision: I should read before start writing. With each book I read, I felt more inexperienced, and I needed to read even more.

And I'm here. Five years after. Ready to resuming the project, hoping to count with a little more luck this time.

Author's note

  "I should read before start writing". That quote stayed on my mind all day long.


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