How much of your personality is real?

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I won't lie saying I'm shy, 'cause I'm not. In just one afternoon I had already met teams from three countries, and in two days almost all of them. All of these guys are amazing, and I'm not talking only about intelligence.

They are very kind, they are polite, they smile a lot. Having a conversation with them makes you feel in confident, in a nice atmosphere. It's like if for the first time you actually meet someone who is your friend. And more important, someone that you want him or her to be your friend.

We share our phone numbers, our names in social networks. And you keep all day smiling and saying "nice to meet you". We tell each other we want to keep talking after this science camp ends.

For a moment everything is so perfect that I'm afraid when I think it could become in something different. How long am I going to get along so well with them? Are they truly like that? Or they are showing just the nice part of them during this days? What's real and what's not of their personality?

I'm not sure. Should I do the same?

Author's note

Hey! I'm so happy because Never Mind is almost 200 reads. So thank you guys for reading my book, and for your votes and all your beautiful comments:)


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