I'm just having a good time with my friends.
"My friends". Look how I called them. I can't believe I only met them yesterday, but I really have affection towards these amazing guys.
I can't believe an incredible guy is talking to me. I can't believe someone like them is being kind with me. I can't believe we are friends.
Have you ever felt that you "don't fit"? Well, I won't be a dramatic teenager saying I'm antisocial and I don't have any friend, 'cause it'd be a lie. I have lived this kind of situation before, in other competitions, but I never fit completely, never felt a hundred percent comfortable with a group of friends... until now. This time, there's an special conection between us. And it's an unbeliavable feeling.
Finally I found the kind of people who I want to have as a friend. I just needed to look for them in other countries.
Is it going to last...?
Author's note
Hi! The clues are back. Good luck!
Never mind
Short Story"I found a notebook and I'm afraid to see what's inside..." By: antactic_princess No copy or adaptation is allowed. All rights reserved.