chapter 4

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Millie's pov

''ugh I don't even look nice and i'm a hot mess ugh ''i said .

'' dont worry i am gonna make you look hot holy shit '' sadie said

''uh ok cool '' i said

I went to go take a shower

* 10 minutes later * sadie got the blow dryer out and dried my hair it took a while .

*a few minutes later *she picked out a white crop top and put highlighter and mascara on me .

''WOW HOLY SHIT YOU STUNNING BITCH ''Sadie said . '' its time for you to show finns ass how you feel '' sadie said , she giggled,.

''ok is this good enough '' i said .

'totally now get your ass to finns house'' Sadie said .

i walked out of my house and walked to finns i was so nervous i had sweaty pooms it was like crazy sweating . but i told myself i''ll be fine .

i was 2 minutes away from his house

* 2 minutes later *

Finns pov

i heard my doorbell ring i answered the door it was millie . i have been worried about her all day . .

''are u mad at me'' i said

'' no , ok yes i'm mad at u how could you do this to me you asked sadie to the dance instead of me ''she said .'' i really wanted to go to the dance with u '' she said holding her tears back

i feel awful for not asking her .

''is it true you were gonna ask me to the dance but you were afraid i was gonna say no '' she said .

''yes millie i'm sorry for not asking you '' i said

''its ok can i come in '' she said

me and millie went upstairs into my bedroom .

''what should we do right now ?? '' i said

'' watch a movie '' she said

'' sure let's watch the conjuring '' i said .

'' finn you know how i hate scary movies '' she said

''i'll be right here with u during the movie i promise '' i said .

*1 hour* she has her face covered with my blanket . 5 minutes later i turn around she was resting her head on my shoulder i wrapped an arm around her . she looks so beautiful sleeping i felt like i was gonna fall asleep. has her face covered with my blanket .* 5 minutes later* she's resting her head on my shoulder . she looks so beautiful sleeping i felt like i was gonna fall asleep .

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