chapter 15

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Millie's pov

'' hey sadie '' i said '' sorry if I interrupted y'all but just letting u know we might go to the pool later if it's not cold '' sadie said '' ok ''i said '' bye '' she said . i sat back down on the bed with finn.

''hey at least we can spend more time together '' finn said ''my parents will be away today their all going on vacation ''  i said

''ok sounds cool '' finn said .

i pushed him to the wall almost instantly locking out lips as his back hits it . i can't get enough of him .

it's gets more heated as he does that where he bites my lip before adding his tongue into the mix . and then our kiss becomes more powerful neither of us wanting to pull away .

his lips leave mine momentarily leaving me wanting more but then he places them on to my neck he kisses my neck then moves again to my jaw . i accidentally let out a sound of satisfaction before placing my hand over my mouth . my eyes widening he stops and looks up at me i got nervous again did he want to stop ?? did i put him off ?

i figure out my last questions were false as he smirked placing his lips back to my neck i let out a loud moan as he kisses my sensitive spot near my ear

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