chapter 29

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Jacobs pov

i snuck into finns house i grabbed finns phone and put fake messages on his phone so millie could get back together with me

this is fun ...

plus i photoshopped something.

i put the fake messages on here and left his phone on his counter and left .

Sadie's pov

people have been sending me photos of finn and another girl ugh finn is just like the other guys omg he said he had plans my ass

he such a jerk wait until millie finds out .

Millie's pov

i woke up and everything was fine but i looked at my phone finn still hasn't called but i got a text from sadie.

Sadie : I'm gonna send u something

Me : ok

Sadie :

Me : what the fuck 😭💔💔

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Me : what the fuck 😭💔💔

Sadie : I'm sorry Millie

Me : bye ...

i'm really sad i thought he loved me .

'' I'm sorry '' sadie walked in and gave me a hug '' thanks '' i said

i took of my promise ring ''  he promised me we'd be together forever but he broke that promise''i said

'' he's such a jerk and a player '' she said

she walked out of my room and someone hopped in my window ..

'' what wrong '' finn said 

'' go away '' i said

'' mills what did i do wrong '' he said


'' what are u talking about '' he asked

'' leave '' i said

he left and closed my window .

i heard a knock on my door window it was jacob.

'' i have more proof finn cheated on u '' he said

he showed me messages he had finns phone

Does Millie know about us

No I have my finger wrapped around her ..

Love u

Love u too finnie let's keep this a secret !! ❤️❤️ babe

'' finn left his phone somewhere and he didn't have a passcode '' jacob said

i cried hard and harder . '' if u need anyone to talk to come to my place '' he said

'' thanks '' i said

Sadie's pov

i went to check on millie i saw jacob and i think he set finn up and photoshopped that picture ...

it's looks hella fake i mean come on ..

cause why the hell would jacob have finns phone lmao.. 

i walked to finns house and knocked on his door .

'' what are u doing here ?'' he said annoyedly

'' ok chill the fuck out '' i said

'' sorry it's just millie doesn't believe me '' he said

'' it's jacob he had your phone i think he set u up '' i said

'' jacob he showed millie messages and i think he photoshopped this :

'' jacob he showed millie messages and i think he photoshopped this :

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''it's photoshopped '' he said

'' i was with my mom all night i swear on my life '' finn said

'' that's all i needed to show you '' i said

'' let me call millie '' he said he called her shes not picking up

''cmon mills pick up the phone '' i said

'' finn we need to go now !! '' i yelled

we ran to her house and her door was and we ran to the downstairs bathroom .

she tried opening pills as finn tried to get the pills out of her hands

they dropped the pills every where

'' look what u did '' she shouted .

she cried into my shoulder and i hugged her .

Millie's pov

''why did u come here '' i said

'' i didn't want u to hurt yourself '' he said

'' you cheated on me '' i said

'' no i didn't '' he said

'' yes you did '' i said

''jacob set me up he downloaded this app that makes text look real '' he said

'' what about the photo? '' i said

'' it's photoshopped '' he said

'' i swear on my life i was with my mom all night and day '' he said

'' finn i love u '' i said

'' sorry i didn't believe u and believed jacob and i was just so - '' he smashed lips on to mine as i melted into the kiss. running my fingers through his hair .

'' i'd never leave u or hurt u in any way millie i love u your my true love ''  he said

'' your mine too '' i said

'' so is this ROMEO AND JULIET'' sadie shouted

'' shut up '' i said as , she laughed

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