chapter 36

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Millie's pov

*3 years later *


i woke up getting ready for work i took a shower , blow dried , and curled my hair

and i saw my parents come back they've been gone for so long

'' what are you guys doing here '' i said with my arms crossed

'' we came to see if you guys were alright '' my mom said

'' you could've done that a while back now get out '' i yelled  as they walked out the door and i closed the door

'' millie your scaring me '' ava said

'' sorry ava sadie will take care of you for the day or she could drop you off at day care '' i said

this years gonna be good sadie decided to move in with me permanently and ava with me

and finn moved in with me as well

'' you forgot something '' finn said

i gave him a quick kiss on the lips as he smiled into the kiss

'' bye finn '' i said

'' bye sadie bye ava '' i said

Sadie's pov

i invited caleb over to talk to him about me being annoying

'' do you find me annoying or a bother i feel like i'm so annoying and you - he cut me off

he smashed his lips onto mine but i didn't pull away i kissed back no no this is bad

we both pulled away

'' sadie i like you a lot i was gonna ask you out 3 years ago but you had a boyfriend but i've liked you ever since summer break it really sucks be your friend and i want us to be more than that i know you probably don't feel the same way '' he said

'' i do feel the same way '' i said

'' but im gonna have to break up with romeo ''

'' will you be my girlfriend '' he said giving me a rose

'' yes yes yes '' i said

'' i'm a cheater '' i said

Romeo's pov

i was going to hop through sadies window to see what she's doing

she fucking cheated on me with him wtff

he left and she sat down on her bed

'' i thought you loved me '' i said

'' look romeo i loved you a lot but we're gonna have to go our own ways meet and see new people i'm sorry but i have feelings for some else besides we argued a lot and have been together for 3 years now '' she said

i went through her window and left

Millie's pov

i came home coming in and sadie was on the couch with her makeup messed up and all over her face and tears all over her eyes

'' finn !! '' i yelled

'' yes ?'' he said coming downs stairs kisssing my forehead

'' can i talk to you '' i asked

we walked over to the kitchen table

'' what's wrong with sadie'' i asked

'' she's been crying for 3 hours and hasn't talked '' he said

'' do you know what happened '' i asked

'' no '' he said

i walked away from him going to Sadie

'' what's wrong '' i asked

'' i'm gonna get bullied and i feel awful for cheating on romeo but i like the guy a lot '' she said

someone threw a paper plane through the window i opened the paper plane

'' hey slut heard you cheated on romeo he deserves way better than a red headed bitch ''

'' yikes ''finn said

''shut up '' i said

''ok i need to show you something '' finn said

i walked into a room full of roses and candles

''Millie Bobby Brown you are the most perfect, beautiful, angelic human being i've ever I don't want you to be my girlfriend anymore will you marry me ?'' I love you

i teared putting on the ring .

'' is that a yes '' finn said

'' yes . '' i said , wrapping my legs around his waist putting my head on his shoulder

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