chapter 12

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Millie's pov

i woke up and saw finn was next to me . i tapped his shoulder

''finn wake up '' i said '' Mills'' ? he said ''yeah it's me finn '' i said .

we walked out of our tent and everything was a mess their was cookies on the ground fruit punch and snacks every where .

''does anyone remember anything that happened last night '' gaten said

''i remember sitting by the fire that's all I can remember '' i said

''what happened who did this ??'' sadie said

''probably gaten or caleb '' finn said

''shut up finn '' gaten said

''does anyone remember what happened last night '' caleb said

'' ooh i remember everything that happened we were playing seven minutes in heaven i went to go get snack and i came back y'all were asleep so i put you guys back in your tents '' noah said .


''let's see'' finn said

'' i was gonna kiss him but he sneezed in my face'' sadie said in the video '' finn your next ''gaten said in the video . the bottle landed on me in the video . ''well hello Millie '' Caleb said in the video . me and finn stared at each other in the video . '' well cmon then let's get this kissing show on the road '' sadie said in the video . we kissed in the video then a man in the video hypnotized us and we fell asleep in the vid .

''that's what happened '' gaten said

''whoa i don't remember any of that '' i said

''me either ''finn said

''he basically hypnotized us with some stuff where it makes you not remember anything you did last night ''gaten said ''luckily i vlogged everything hehe ''gaten said

thank you for vlogging everything sadie said .

''accept the part where me and caleb were going to kiss '' sadie said .

'' i don't want to stay here no more '' sadie said

''yeah let's go home '' i said

''yeah '' everyone said


sorry this is short might post two chapters today !! ❤️❤️

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