Chapter 33 - Going Home

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(Ash's P.O.V.)
Everything was white. The hallways were endless. There was no possible way to reach the door at the end of the corridor. Every time I tried it just got farther and farther away. Eventually I got annoyed and gave up. Rufio wasn't kidding when he said this was a waiting room. I was stuck here. Waiting. Waiting for Peter to decide what to do...even though I already knew his decision. I understood it. Neverland was my home. It would always be. I just didn't particularly care for what I knew he was planning to do.
Getting the heart of the truest believer was one thing, but doing what he was planning on was something else entirely. Frankly, I don't even know if it is at all possible to do what he has planned. It's so insane. And the worst part is that I wish I could know what he would do if his plan were to fail. Seems inconceivable really. Him failing. But the magic that had taken root inside of me is powerful beyond measure.
"Having fun?" Rufio taunted, leaning against one of the pillars with a weak grin on his face.
"How is he?"
"Not good. He's grieving in his Pan way. Whatever that is."
"Once he does what I think he's going to do...what happens next?"
He let out a heavy sigh as he crossed the distance between us. "You'll be tied to Neverland. To his special place. You won't be able to leave-"
"But you can move freely," I pointed out.
"That is because I was given leeway by the powers that be to serve as a guide for you until...well this. Normally I wouldn't be allowed up here, but,'re a special case."
"What are you talking about?"
Special case? Nothing is that special about me except for the fact that I have magical powers that were passed down to me by both my mother and father. That was it.
"When I...died, I didn't come here to this place. I got to experience the fiery pits of the Underworld for a bit. A lot of fun there let me tell you. The guy in charge doesn't kid around. Honestly I was surprised that I went back to Neverland after the first couple of days. Maybe even weeks. But when I figured out that I still needed to finish some business I still had...I made a deal. A deal with the devil," he joked hesitantly. "When I showed up on Neverland, I realized that you were my unfinished business. I really tried to help you. Obviously not in the best way. I'm sorry about that."
"You-you-you were in hell?"
"Of sorts. I just didn't want you to end up there during this waiting time. It really sucks. Also clarifies things. What's important. Makes you think about all the terrible things you've ever done and how you could have handled the situation differently. So...I'm...," he paused, shaking his head and biting his lip at the same time before letting out a low growl, "I'm sorry! For everything I ever did to you. You never deserved that."
"And so, after this, you get to stay on Neverland forever?" He nodded in response while I just shook my head in disbelief. Taking a deep breath, I reached over and rested my hand on his shoulder gaining his attention. "I forgive you, Rufio. You made some bad choices. Everyone does. It's what makes you human. Just," I dropped my hand, "visit me every now and then, okay? I'll be nice to have a friend visiting me."
And with that last word everything turned to black.
Opening my eyes, I spun around to find myself within a dark cavern. Or a cave? Looked strangely familiar to me. Like I knew the place. I twisted around when some torches were lit up, lighting up the cave. The light glimmered briefly on something gold catching my attention. My breath hitched in my throat as I took in the giant golden skulls that littered the cave floor. The briefest of light seeped in, illuminating my surroundings.
Skull Rock.
Peter brought me here when I demanded he give me some answers. Last time I was here, I didn't care for the answers he did give me even though I had been the one who requested them in the first place. I should have been more understanding.
Walking over to the entrance, I found myself in a series of tunnels, but only one of them was glowing. I followed the light until I came across the hourglass that held the magic keeping Peter young...and safe...for now. At least until the magic inside runs out. I gasped slightly as my hand went through the glass. Frightened me for a second. Already halfway full. My eyes drifted shut as I prayed to the gods that Peter would find a way to stay alive. He needed to. He would need to find someway to locate the truest believer. Maybe splitting the heart in half, so the boy who wields the heart could also live at the same time as him. A win-win scenario.
Footsteps echoing around the cavern captured my attention, pulling my gaze over to the sound. And there he was. My Peter. Carrying me bridal style. It's strange. Seeing yourself...dead. It's like staring at a stranger that appears familiar but isn't...if that makes any sense. That feeling lingered even as he disappeared into the tunnels and very soon into the same cave I had been.
Only this time I finally noticed that there was a ledge that came out of the rocks that would allow someone to sit or even lay on for a time. Before I knew it, a mattress and pillows were conjured up in front of my eyes. Sheets of silk soon appeared next. Colored in burgundy with a golden dragon on the middle. My family's sigil.
I watched as he lay my body down carefully. Almost as if he was afraid he would wake me from my slumber. If only that were the case. He tenderly brushed some stray strands from my face before caressing my cheek. I could see the love in his eyes only to be washed over by grief. My heart broke knowing that I was the one responsible for this.
"I will make this right, Ash," he whispered, stroking my hair. "I will bring you back. One way or another...I will."
"Peter," Felix called, approaching from behind with a his hands. He was toying with it, as if debating whether or not he should give it to Peter. But he had to. "We need to talk."
"There's nothing to talk about, Felix," he snarled. "She's dead!" He barely turned to look at Felix. He didn't even bother to turn completely around.
"And we'll figure someway to bring her back, but she would want us to focus on you first. To make sure that you're still around in order to bring her back. And she also wanted you to-"
"She wanted me to let her go," he spat out vehemently. "Made me promise her that I would let her go and move on. Find someone else to love. Someone who would actually want to stay on Neverland. That I wouldn't give in to the darkness. But you see Felix," he rolled his shoulders back and cocked his head to the side, "I also promised that I would bring her back. And I can't do that without breaking my promise to her. And so the choice remains simple."
"Peter," Felix hesitantly said, taking a small step closer to Peter.
"My promise to bring her back is more important to me than doing what she asked."
No, no, Peter, no. I shook my head vehemently, taking a step closer, pleading with him to not do this.
Turning my attention around to Felix, I found him stuffing the letter into his cloak. Appearing as solemn as I felt.
"Felix, please! You have to give him the letter. Make him see sense!" I gasped as my hand went through Felix as well, causing me to stumble backwards.
He couldn't hear me.
"There's nothing you can do, Princess. They can't see or hear us. We're...invisible to them all."
"There has to be someway," I demanded.
"There is none."
I shook my head, trying to come up with some kind of plan to get one of them to understand. A wave of energy rushed through me as well as a wave of bright colors flashing in front of my eyes. They were soon replaced by images of the entire island. Dead Man's Peak, the camp, the Echo Caves, Mermaid Cove, the Hollow where his shadow took up residence, the pixie dust tree the fairies had once occupied, the outside of Skull Rock, the hourglass, and lastly where we were currently standing. I could feel Neverland's magic coursing through me. Tying me to the island in every sense.
The magic flowing within the earth was visible to me. I could see it's current flowing through the floors into the walls and beyond. It was so strong. Maybe even stronger than the pull of magic from where the hourglass was. That same pull was guiding me to Peter.
With a deep breath, I crossed the distance between us, hoping that this would work, as I placed my hand on his shoulder. It was just barely, but I could see him flinch from my touch. A small smile appeared on my lips. He felt me. He actually felt me! That means he should be able to hear me.
"Please Peter...don't do this. You don't have to do this. Just listen to me. Turn around...take the letter from it. I need you to read it."
"Are you sure about this, Peter?" Felix cut through the silence that had built up.

(Peter's P.O.V.)
I cast a preservation spell over her. One that would keep her safe and protected forever. Nothing would be able to disturb it apart from my own magic or her revival. I made sure of that. She would remain under this spell until I could bring her back. And I would. The benefit of binding her to Neverland's magic as well was the fact that it would slowly counteract the effects of the blade's magic. That way it wouldn't kill her again once she was back.
Already I could feel the island's magic shielding her, binding itself within her, while also casting an invisible glass of magic that would prevent anyone from touching her to potentially harm her. Even my own shadow. I flinched when I felt something that was oddly similar to that of the island's magic, but there was nothing. Just utter silence.
"Are you sure about this, Peter?" Felix cut through the silence that had built up around the both of us as I came to terms with the decision I had made the second she uttered her last breath.
"I can't be the person she wants me to be. Not without her, Felix. She's the only reason I have to be good, but with her gone..." I drifted off.
"She wanted me to give you-"
"It doesn't matter anymore, Felix," I cut him off.
"But Peter-"
"Peter is dead. He died the second she did. Peter can't do what needs to be done," I calmly said. "But I can. Peter will come back when she does. Until then," I spun around, and flashed off a wicked smirk, letting him know that Pan was back, "I'm in charge."
He shook his head. "This isn't what she wanted."
"But she's not here," I sneered, taking a few steps towards him. "I am. And this is what needs to be done. We are going to find the truest believer. I will get his heart. I will become immortal and all powerful. I won't ever have to worry about dying again. Then...I will split the heart and give half of it to her. She will awaken, and she will have her beloved Peter back."
"Are you sure this is what you want?"
"Yes," I replied with the complete certainty. "But to ensure that my feelings don't get in the way for the time being...I'm going to need you to take care of something."
"What's that?"
I smirked slightly before plunging my hand into my own chest. Felix stumbled backwards, caught of guard. Slowly I pulled out my heart. Half of it was red with a tinge of black while the other half was completely black, and that was the half that was needed to complete the job. I twisted the heart in half, separating it until they were two pieces. I then put the blackened half back into my chest, already feeling the effects as any sense of good and wrong was completely destroyed.
"You're going to hide this somewhere safe where none of the other boys will be able to find it," I ordered as I conjured up a small black box and placed the heart safely inside before locking it up with magic. "Understand?"
He nodded softly as he took the box, hiding it in his cloak. "As you wish." He started to walk past me but stopped by my side. "And what if after you get the heart, you no longer care about bringing her back?"
I eyed him out of the corner of my eye as I thought about it. Even searched deep down for any kind of emotion for her and found nothing...just as I expected. But I had a promise to keep. One that I would. I didn't care for her. No...she meant nothing to me. At least not anymore. But I would bring her back, and she could go back to Camelot if that was what she wished. If she wanted to stay, then she could. If she chose to go back, I wouldn't follow her. Wouldn't waste my time trying to bring her back to Neverland. No...I would leave her to do whatever she wished. Something I should have done long ago when I told her to leave in the first place.
"Are you forgetting Felix...I always keep my promises."
"And yet you broke one to keep another," he fired back.
"How about this...once I bring her back, you can put that half of my heart back inside me if you wish. Then, I get to keep my promise to her that I'll be the hero she always knew I could be," I replied sarcastically.
The both of us knew I was never a hero. Never would be. I am and would always be a villain. One that everyone fears. And rightfully so. If any had forgotten just how dangerous I could be, well...I would remind them. I would remind them all. And once I become immortal, there will be nothing that will be able to stop me from getting anything I want.
After all, Peter Pan never fails.

The Queen & Her King (sequel to the princess & the lost boy) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now