Chapter 26 - Time For The Fun To Begin

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(Ashlynn's P.O.V.)
"It is a good thing that you didn't choose Camlann for your plan to take place," Annis said, proceeding to take a sip of wine from her chalice.
"How so?" I asked.
"I assume you know that Camlann is where Arthur perished?"
I nodded hesitantly, briefly remembering that Leon had told me about it. He only said that we had won and Morgana's army had been forced to retreat as well as the fact that Arthur had gone missing but hadn't died according to news provided by Gaius. Other than that, he refused to say anything else. Not that I blamed him. It must have been a gruesome battle.
"It is said from rumors, of course, that Morgana had plans to outflank Arthur to beat him. He somehow found out about it and was able to stop that from happening. Even so, the Saxons were winning at the beginning until the tide turned in favor of Camelot. Rumor has it, a sorcerer who controlled lighting and could command a dragon allowed for Camelot to win the battle. Morgana lost and was forced to retreat. Her army retreated except for one apparently. Mordred, I believe was the name. The man that ended Arthur's life."
And Guinevere's...from when I was much younger.
"Arthur fell but summoned the strength to end Mordred's life. As it would turn out, Arthur survived and was being taken somewhere to be healed. I don't quite remember where exactly. They say he was fatally wounded by a sword forged in a dragon's breath. Only a few days later he was pronounced dead. Leon took the throne for the three years you were missing. I admit, it has been refreshing to see a Pendragon on the throne. One that would make Arthur proud."
I smiled at her words, peering over at Pan who was silently eating his food while also paying attention even if it seemed that he wasn't. He had known all along that Camelot wasn't a wasteland and had used that lack of information on my part against me to keep me on Neverland. My life had changed dramatically at that point when I gave up on Camelot. I should have known better. Should have known that Camelot would never fall or bow before Morgana no matter what hell she put them through. Even so, the lie gave me the time to fall in love with him. To fall for the monster that had ensnared my heart.
"I figure that if Morgana knew that the battle was taking place at Camlann, she would be more hesitant about going. She would try to make her stand at Camelot. The forest before the Isle of the Blessed was a smart choice on your part, Ashlynn."
"Thank you, Annis. I am grateful that you changed your mind and will help us."
"You made it difficult to say no."
"I suppose I did," I chuckled softly. "All that's left is for me to get my knights and for Pan to get the lost boys. From there we'll meet you at the camp. Mithian's army should already be there by the time you arrive. We'll follow afterwards."
"You're sure you want to leave your knights in the inside of Morgana's army?" Pan inquired, eyeing me.
"It's the only way they won't draw suspicion. If they abandon Camelot to join us at the camp, Morgana will not come. She will sacrifice the lives of her men because she does not value their lives. Besides, the Saxons and Amata forces won't expect an enemy from within their defenses. Someone who knows their plan. Their weak points. This is the only way that we are going to succeed."
"I'll be sure to tell the boys not to shoot at the men in red capes."
"I'll prepare my army at once. The two of you should be going. I look forward to seeing the both of you again."
"Likewise, Annis," I said, standing up around the same time as Pan before we bid our farewells and left.
Walking down the corridor, I thought of where it was most likely that I would be able to find Leon at this time of day. He could either be home, practicing with the other men, on patrol, or knowing him, in the dungeon. There was no way that he would willingly follow my mother out of his own volition. Not even if he was tortured into doing so. He's far too obstinate for that. Which makes him the perfect person to speak to just in case some of the other knights potentially defected which wasn't likely. They would never swear allegiance to my mother. Never had in the past. Wouldn't make much sense for them to do so now.
Nevertheless, if there were defectors, Leon would know about it. He would be able to figure out who was still loyal to me and would bring the knights together to follow me. I can trust him. Even Perceval would be a good choice, but Leon has the highest rank and longest time as a knight of Camelot. The knights would listen to his orders, and that was all I needed.
"Are you sure you want to do this alone?" Pan asked again for the hundredth time.
He was worried about me going into Camelot all by myself while he went to Neverland. Paranoia had become his friend over the night when I instructed him on my plan to get two tasks done at once. So many ideas of what could potentially happen without him by my side had entered his mind throughout the night. With each one he told me. It was rather annoying but sweet. I think he mainly wasn't happy about the situation was because now he couldn't remind me about everything that was so great about Neverland. Not that I needed any reminding. Not anymore at least.
I also had my suspicions that he might try to force me to stay on Neverland against my will, and I wasn't willing to risk that. Not with everything that was going on. I was already risking so many lives for this battle. To ask for these men to sacrifice their lives for my cause and then not bother to show up because I couldn't leave Neverland would only make me out to be a coward. And I'm not a coward. At least, not when it comes to willing to risk my own life for the future of this kingdom I'm not.
When it comes to calling Pan Peter, that's a whole other story. Every time I went to say his name, the first thing that popped in my head was Peter. It has been a struggle just to say Pan due to the hopeful look he would always give me when he realizes I'm going to say his name only to be disappointed in the next second. My head told me that what I was doing was the smart move. Better to disappoint him than to give him a false sense of hope. My heart screamed at me for how cruel I could be to keep doing this to him. No matter how much I wanted to let my heart win, I kept listening to my head. The moment I called him Peter would be the day that I would tell him that I would love him forever and ever for the rest of my life and even through death and that I would be with him forever.
By the time I say that though, I'll be too old for him to ever want me. It would be far too late to even go back to Neverland. Unlike Pan, I can't exactly trade anything for youth and then need the heart of the truest believer as well. Not like Pan and I can actually share a heart.
"I'll be fine. I promise."
Pan grabbed my wrist, stopping me in place. Bending down slightly, he enraptured my lips with my own, kissing me softly. I could sense the hunger that there was there, wanting to take over, but was denied with each second that passed. Eventually though, Pan pulled away and leaned his forehead on mine.
"Be careful."
"I will," I promised.
He backed away a few steps and gave me a quick nod. With that, I pulled up the hood on my cloak to conceal my face and waited to be back in Camelot. I watched as Pan lifted up his hand and twisted it, creating a green smoke that devoured me entirely until I could no longer make out Pan.
When the smoke subsided, I realized I was back in Camelot in the market. Scanning my surroundings, I found it wasn't as busy as it normally was. Usually the market was bustling with energy and the townspeople chatting as they traded with one another. Instead what I found was a few people with solemn looks on their faces who seemed more anxious to get the day over with so they could retire to the same comfort of their home instead of remaining out in the open. I didn't understand why until I saw a couple of Saxons walk over to one woman and demanded something that I couldn't hear. It didn't take long for me to understand that they wanted the money from the sales she made today when she dropped a pouch of coins in one of the Saxons' hands.
I quickly stepped into the shadows near one of the booths as the Saxons walked past me. Glancing over my shoulder, I was grateful to find they didn't stop next to me. Turning my attention back to the booth, I came face to face with the shopkeeper who was staring at me with anticipation. I smiled slightly at the man and pulled out five gold coins. The man's eyes went wide as he licked his lips, his gaze never once leaving the gold coins.
"I want you to tell me where I can find Sir Leon."
"Tell me where I can find Sir Leon, or I'll find someone else who would rather have the money."
That caught the man's attention as his head snapped up. "I saw him walk into the Golden Sun roughly twenty minutes ago. Hasn't come out since."
"And can I trust you to keep this little talk a secret?"
"Of course."
"Good. Keep the coins hidden." I dropped the coins down in his hand, using my body to block anyone from seeing the interaction.
Spinning on my heel, I pulled the hood down more and walked down the path past the couple of Saxons. I was so sure I was about to get past them until I felt someone grab my wrist and pull me to a sudden stop. My heart began racing when the hand on my wrist refused to let go.
"Well, well, what do we have here," one of the Saxons said as he came to stand in front of me.
"I bet she's a pretty thing underneath this cloak, what do you think Boris?"
Boris licked his lips. "I bet."
Lifting my foot, I stomped hard on the Saxon behind me's foot as hard as I could. A yelp sounded from the man as he let go of my wrist, and I took off past Boris. I didn't look back once. Although I wished that there were more people out and about to allow me to become lost in the crowd so it'd be more difficult for them. Not once did I look back though. That would only make me slower. Turning down a small alley, I ran under I couldn't anymore coming to a dead end. Spinning around, I hoped that there was time to keep running only to see the two Saxons approaching.
"That hurt," the Saxon whose name I didn't know spat.
"You'll regret that little girl," Boris snarled.
"And I think I have the perfect solution."
"How so, Tristan?"
Tristan and Boris? Really?
"I bet she'll look really pretty in my bed, withering underneath me. We can share too. Plenty to go around for us both."
I shook my head in disgust as the two men came closer all the while searching for a possible escape route. I didn't want to have to use magic unless I ultimately had to. It was merely a last resort.
"Sounds like a plan, Tristan. She'll be begging us to send her to the other world."
I shrieked when all of a sudden Tristan grabbed me again, yanking me towards him and Boris. I started slapping as hard as I could to no avail. Within a few moments though, both men stumbled away from me. When Tristan let go of me though, I stumbled backwards a few steps and my hood came off. The look on their faces was priceless as they realized who I was. Their hands went up to their throats as I began choking them slowly as they fell to their knees.
"Enjoy your other world," I said before snapping their necks.
Their bodies fell to the ground. Lifeless eyes filled with fear stared up at me. Strangely enough, I didn't feel anything. Nothing at all for the men I killed. Then again, they were pigs. Camelot was better off without them. Pulling my hood back up, I stepped over their bodies and continued my way to the tavern. This time no one tried to stop me. Not even the few knights and Saxons I came across. They all ignored me.
Pushing open the tavern door, I walked in and immediately began searching for Leon. I smiled when I spotted him and made my way over to him. He looked the same as when I left. A little more tired maybe. But he still looked well. I sat down across from him which immediately caught his notice as he lifted his head up to glare at me.
"You best leave now. I prefer to sit alone."
"Come now, Leon, is that anyway to treat your Queen," I whispered, lifting my hood up slight so he could see who I was.
He looked bewildered for a few moments before gaining his composure once more. "Ashlynn?" He whispered. "What are you doing here?"
"I need your help, Leon. You're the only one I can trust."
"You shouldn't be here. Morgana has gone mad."
"I know, but I need your help. Please, Leon."
"Anything for you, my Queen."
I smiled up at the man across from me. "I need you to rally the rests of the knights. Inform them that we're going to war."
"I know. Annis and Mithian—"
"Are acting under my orders," I cut him off and was rewarded with a look of shock once more. "I have an army fully prepared to take Camelot. Morgana believes that she'll be launching a surprise attack on us, but she's wrong. It's the other way around. I need you and the other knights to attack from the inside once you reach the clearing in the forest just before the Isle of the Blessed. We can win this, Leon, but I need your help to do so."
"I swore to Arthur that I would protect you with my life. As long as Morgana is Queen, you will never be truly safe. If this is what you need, then I will do it. For you, Ashlynn."
Reaching over, I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. "Thank you, Leon. I hope that when this is all over and my mother's dead, that you'll consider being my advisor again."
"Of course. I'd be honored," he said with a small smile before withdrawing his hand. "But you should go. You're not safe here. I'll alert the rest of the knights. We'll be ready to strike when you are."
(Pan's P.O.V.)
"Cuckoo! Wake up!" I shouted, walking into the center of the camp where the boys were sleeping.
It had been a while since I'd been back. I missed it. The rush of Neverland's magic flowing through my veins. Being able to know each and everything that happens on my island. I was home. Back with the boys that had become family. My only solace from having decided to live on Neverland long, long ago. They provided me company. Better than being alone with only children visiting in their dreams but never being able to stay.
I smirked when the boys instantly grabbed their weapons as they jumped up to see who the intruder was. Some were even about to attack until they saw who it was. Others rubbed their eyes a few times to make sure that I was indeed real and not just a figment of their imagination. And some stared at me and then at the person next to them and then back at me.
"Look what the cat dragged in," Felix said as he walked into the camp with a boar dragging behind him, a hint of a smile on his lips.
"I was coming back eventually."
Felix tossed the rope dragging the animal to one of the boys who wasn't paying attention to Felix, scaring him to the point where he began fumbling around with the rope. His messy blonde hair stood up in all directions while his bangs covered the eye that had a small scar running through all the way down his mid-cheek. The hood on his cloak was down for once. A rare occasion indeed. We grasped forearms as I stared at the boy I considered a brother more than anything.
"It's time?"
"Yes. Do you have it?"
"All stocked up. Ready to transport. The boys already have their weapons dipped in it. We're ready."
"Pan," a squeaky voice called out, "is it true we're going to fight in a war? Against an army?"
I turned to the boy and smiled a devilish smile at young Timothy, aged eight, who had run away from an abusive father and mother. Every single piece of information I ever needed about the boy flashed in my mind. All his dreams, needs, wants, fears, I knew it all.
"You are but have no fear. For no harm will come to any of you. The dreamshade that laces your weapons and my magic will ensure that. You are my brothers! We always protect one another. We fight for one another. And we die for one another if that's what it takes. Loyalty is the foundation of the bond of we all share. That bond is shared with your Queen, Ashlynn Pendragon. This war is to help her, and we will. When all is said and done, you need never again feel alone or unloved or lost. Here, you have a family. One that will always love you and never let you feel alone. And after the war is fought and won, and we return to Neverland, our hunt for the truest believer will begin again. And when the time comes, the magic of Neverland will waken from its slumber. The truest believer will save magic, and we won't ever have to worry about anything ever again."
The boys launched into cheers and shouting, lifting their weapons into the air and pumping them as they started jumping up and down around one another.
"The boys have missed you," Felix whispered, low enough for only me to hear but no one else.
"And you haven't killed any of them...yet. I was so sure at least some of them would have gotten on your nerves."
"They did. Some have missing fingers. Others missing toes. They accepted it as part of the game."
"Everything is a game, Felix. It's just a matter of making the right moves to capture the win. Sometimes the best way to win is to change the game. Manipulate it until it resembles a game you can win."
"Winning is all that matters."
"Especially when it comes to war," I spun on my heel and headed up into the trees, knowing full well that Felix would follow behind me as he always did. "Are the boys ready?"
"There's four that are nowhere near ready no matter how much training they are put through. They'll be better off staying behind. Have them stock up on food and watch the camp. The others though are more than ready. They've been itching for it since they were told."
"Good. Very good."
I came to a stop at a point where I could view the entire camp, watching each and every boy. It didn't take long for me to point out which four Felix was talking about. They were already trying to prove that they could come along by practicing shooting and sparring. The two on the bow couldn't even hit the target and were instead hitting the third tree over to the left. The ones that were sparring kept tripping over their own feet or when they would strike they'd leave themselves open for another to deal a fatal blow.
"You've been itching for it too. A new game for you to win," Felix appraised me for a few seconds before turning to face the camp. "The only problem I see with it is whether or not you can convince Ashlynn to return to Neverland."
"She'll come back."
"But not of her own will. Winning this battle for her won't influence her decision. You know that as well as I if not better from the time that you've spent with her in Camelot. She's Queen there now. Her obligations have changed. If you had gone to retrieve her before she the Camelot patrol found her, then you might have stood a chance. Things are different now."
"Oh, come on, Felix," I angled toward him slightly, "where's your sense of adventure? It's all part of the fun."
"Maybe it would be better if you leave her in Camelot. Someone has to be on the throne. It's her birthright. Her duty. She was born to rule, Pan. You can't forget that."
"She. Is. Coming. Back. To. Neverland. That's final. Understood?"
"Understood," he nodded. "I just think that your shadow—"
"Now you're talking to my shadow, are you?"
Felix glared down at me. "Your shadow is the closest thing I have to speak to you. Everyone else wouldn't understand. They're not meant to."
"Make sure the boys are ready to go. We need to leave soon. Soon it will be time for the fun to begin. And then, I get to have to some real fun."

A/N: Hey guys, so I know the chapter is shorter than the last couple of chapters, but I do hope that you guys enjoyed it! Be sure to vote and comment letting me know what you guys think, I'd love to hear from you! I can't say how much I've missed writing in Neverland, even if it wasn't that descriptive. Who else has been waiting for some Neverland and lostboys? Because there is more to come in future chapters. I won't say when exactly. It might be next chapter, might not be. Might be at the end...or not.
Also, let me know what you guys think will happen in the next few chapters. Only eight more to go after this one! Still can't believe this story will soon be over. I'm already thinking about the ending and just knowing the fact that it's ending has me in an even more depressed mood since I've watched Merlin again. I really need to stop rewatching it. Of course, now I'm going to watch season 3 with Peter Pan, so I should prepare for heartbreak when he dies (for the first time).
Hope you all are having an amazing summer! I'll be sure to update in a few days!

The Queen & Her King (sequel to the princess & the lost boy) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now