10. A Family Show

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We stayed in the studio laughing and talking, and what seemed like only a moment, was, in reality, more than an hour.

I could not believe I was in the presence of the man who I admired so dearly, the boy who I watched grow in confidence, in both mental and physical maturity. I was actually there, with him, having a real conversation... Well... I was doing a lot more observing than talking... but I was there... which counts.

Is that facial hair growing on his chin? Why does he always rub his nose when he laughs?...

"Is that alright with you?" Someone asked.

"Olivia, are you hungry?" They asked again. It was Adam, looking at me from the wooden chair beside the couch.

"Yes of course she's hungry she's practically drooling as we speak." Mitch said chuckling loudly as he leaned back on the couch and grabbed his knees. "She's smitten." He said between giggles.

"Oh my gosh" I gasped slapping my hands to my mouth. I looked around to everyone, who had now, thanks to Mitch, noticed my hardcore stare into Harry's soul. "Wow I'm so embarrassed," I said putting my head in my hands. "I swear I wasn't staring at you Harry, I was... I was in a daze." I widened my eyes for emphasis.

Harry just smirked at me and nodded his head, kinda like he knew I was lying, but he didn't want to embarrass me, like stupid Mitch kept doing.

"And uhh..." I laughed awkwardly. "Mitchell's an asshole." I said sarcastically, shoving Mitch from over Clare, who was sitting between us.

"Don't make me show you how big of an asshole I am." Mitchell smiled playfully from the other end of the couch.

Everyone turned their attention to him.

"What?" Sarah asked cautiously.

"Is that a threat or a promise?" I whispered.

"But. This is a ... family show..." Sarah choked as everyone jerked their heads looking at me with shocked grins on their faces.

"I am so sorry, I had to." I whimpered looking right at Harry. "I have no self control" I smiled meekly.

There was a painful amount of silence that floated around the room for way longer than I would have liked. Clare and Sarah seemed pleasantly surprised with my comment, whereas Adam and Harry could barely keep their laughter in as they dropped their jaws and looked at me, then eachother, then me again, Mitch looked pissed, as usual.

"So are you hungry?" Harry asked chuckling, obviously trying to change the subject. "Us four haven't eaten since the morning, so we're kinda starving." He said looking at Adam, Claire, and Sarah.

I looked at Mitch, asking with my eyes if I had overstayed my welcome, I didn't want to be annoying, especially because I would have plenty of time to see them all again, and since Mitch works for Harry Styles, I was highly considering bringing Mitch his lunch. Every. Single. Day.

"Nah, sorry guys. We'll meet up sometime soon, all of us, but me and Olivia really want to go to the farmers market." Mitch said avoiding eye contact with me and scratching his head.

"Oh yeah." I hummed. "The farmers market..."

Why did Mitch DECLINE??

"I forgot that was today..." I said zoning out.

No that's good, that way they miss me, that's what mommy always said, if you want your friends to like you more, don't be annoying and in their face twenty-four seven. You can see him again babe don't sweat it, be calm, be cool, be a person they would want to be friends with... jeez, just don't be a freak.

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