21. Thanksgiving.

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For the three years that I had lived in California, my cousin would always drive me home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. But earlier that year she moved in with her boyfriend to New York, so that was out of the question. I was going to have drive all the way home, all alone.

As Thanksgiving was growing nearer, and there was only two days before I was going to have to leave for Houston, I began getting more nervous about driving the whole way.

'What if I get a flat? In the middle of the dessert...'

The drive was going to take me a whole twenty four hours if I were to drive it straight through. I was a nervous wreck. I had to find someone to go with me, someone who wouldn't mind spending the holidays with my very large, loud, and at times, obnoxious family.

Had Mitch been british I would have asked him, but he was doing the same thing, he was American so he had to go back home too... so I had no choice, but to invite the other four 'brits' to go on a road trip with me, and spend Thanksgiving at my Grandparents house.

I was getting ready to head over to Mitch and Adam's apartment. We were all getting together to have a Wii sports competition, and I was planning on asking them after I stomped them at Wii tennis.

I woke up at noon, and walked out towards our tiny kitchen, to see Mary in the living room with some guy, from what I could see, the back of his head, he had very straight, dark brown hair, and he was on the leaner side of the male body spectrum. Mary's eyes shot up as I walked into the room and met my eyes, which were shocked as well, I had no clue she had a boyfriend. 'So this is the man who has taken all her time up lately.' I smiled at her and winked.

They were sitting on the big couch and he was making her laugh as they folded laundry together.

'That is the sweetest thing I have ever seen in my damn life.' I puppy eyed her and mouthed. 'who is that?' Smirking and wiggling my eyebrows at her as I walked into the kitchen to make a bowl of cocoa pebbles, the supeirior cereal.

She side eyed me as I continued pouring my cereal, and waited for her to say something. When he looked down to fold another towel she looked at me and shook her head, telling me that she would spill later.

I smiled back at her in reply and took my bowl into my room, so I could get ready for our wii tournament.

I had been hanging out with them for quite some time, and usually when I left my dorm, I wore a significant amount of makeup, I wasn't one to shy away from contour, I was eager to try new things when it came to makeup. But at that point in the relationship I had with all of them, I rarely fixed myself up, I had no reason to, all we ever did was get coffee and then go sit in the studio all day, there was nothing exceptional about us hanging out...

But ever since that night at Harry's...

The way he looked at me, I wasn't for sure, but I felt that there was something different about it. He didn't look at me like he usually had. The casualty in his eyes wasn't there that night. He was looking at me as if he had never seen anything like me before, not like I was the girl who hangs out where he works everyday, and who wears sweats like she doesn't own anything else... I felt beautiful that night. And I was going to prove to him that I really was beautiful... if I tried. So I was dead set on trying that day.

I started out by opening up my youtube and looking up makeup tutorials, so I could follow along with them. As the girl in the video blended her makeup effortlessly, I had to pause the video and make sure I had blended down my neck so I didn't look like I had a mask on. I was going for the 'I didn't try too hard' look. So that I could impress him, but that 'look' took me more time than if I did just a regular face of makeup. But I didn't want to look like ass infront of him again.

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