7. 'Ya girl broke.

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I decided not to get her anything but the card, just tell her in person how bad I felt about the whole thing, and maybe I could just buy her lunch or something.

...Lord give me strength...


Walking to class that day was almost as agonizing as admitting my guilt to her.

As I made my way to the classroom, I repeated my apology speech in my head until I had it fully memorized.

Olivia, I want to formally apologize to you about the night of the party and how I treated you, I behaved with very little integrity and I would like to buy you lunch if you will allow me...

I speed walked around the corner and looked at the ground, continuing to recite my sincere apology, I looked up and, there she was, standing there, looking right at me.


"Uuhhh... hey... Olivia." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "I need to talk to you..."

"About what?" She said sweetly.

Are you fucking kidding me? I rolled my eyes.

"You know what I'm talking about Olivia." I murmured.

"I really don't know what you could be talking about... Mitchell." She said gritting her teeth into a heavily forced smile.

"Look." I said clasping my hands infront of me. "I just want to tell you that I'm really sorry about yelling at you and treating you like shit, it's just that I'm not an outgoing guy and I couldn't handle you being nice to me."

She just stared at me. She pursed her lips and her eyebrows furrowed in completely silent thought. I couldn't bear it. What was she going to say? Why was she still even possibly thinking about responding to my failure of an apology?

Finally after a torturous length of silence, she spoke.

"Mitch, I don't understand why I'm so annoying to yo-" I cut her off trying to explain myself.

"Its not that I mean it's jus-"

"No. Wait, I'm not finished." She said with authority. "Anyway, I just wish you would have mentioned it before or maybe pushed yourself away subtley because I honestly thought we've been 'pals'," She raised her eyebrows and did quotation marks with her fingers. "throughout this semester, I mean, you've been pretty nice to me and it all took me by surprise."

I waited a moment so to make sure she was finished, I respected her so much for talking this out with me and I was determined to make it all up to her.

"Olivia, I can't tell you how sorry I am. I really feel like such a dick, I'm just so sorry. I have no words to justify my actions. I just hope you can forgive me." I said fiddling with the base of my shirt in nervousness. "Please let me, in a completely platonic way, buy you lunch sometime." I threw up my hands in front of me and widened my eyes when I saw her begin to slightly panic. "No no no, youre getting me wrong, its in a totally platonic way I swear I'm not just apologizing so I can take you out I'm not that type of-"

She was laughing. Why the heck would she be laughing right now?

"What's wrong?" I asked in a slightly relieved tone.

"You crack me up sometimes Mitch."

"How? What did I do?" I said fondly.

She smiled "I don't know, but you just do."

Then she did the very last thing I had ever expected. She hugged me. She got on her tippy toes and gave me a real hug. I was beaming with happiness as I wrapped my arms around her.

"So does this mean we're friends now?" I said cautiously.

"That's up to you big guy. But I'm gonna take you up on your offer to lunch 'cause ya girl broke." She said raising her eyebrows and pointing her finger at me.

"Ok" I chuckled.

"You're my new bff Mitchy." She laughed while clinging to my arm.

~one year later~

"Mitchy I need help. can you come over? Or maybe not, it depends on if you're busy. Can we FaceTime real quick? I promise it won't be long. I just need your opinion on this project." Olivia rambled.

"Wait hold on, what do you need me to do this time?" I could hear her grin through the phone.

"What do you mean this time?" She yelled playfully. "Do you remember just last week I pretended to be your girlfriend over spring break so your family didn't think you were a failure at life and love?!" I cringed and held the phone away from my now ringing ear.

"Yes yes yes dahling." I imitated Edna from the incredibles. "You were wonderful... now tell me what you need."

"I think my project sucks major ass but I can't be sure because Mary isn't home... You're my last hope... don't letcha homegirl down now." She pouted through the phone.

I sighed loudly. "I guesssss..."

She hung up and immediately I saw her face pop up for FaceTime.

"Girl you need to do a face mask, I can literally count your pores."

"Ugh ew stop, I do not, you're just being rude" she said looking in her mirror beside her on the floor. "Anyway, here's my project." She turned the camera around and showed me this weird slingshot looking contraption.

"Its... uhm wow, it's very interesting... what's it do exactly?" I smiled innocently.

"It's supposed to be able to shoot this grape into the bucket, here's the essay I wrote explaining my thought process." She said while putting the printed paper close up to the camera.

"It's blurry now... I can't read even a little bit of that... Olivia. Olivia... I think you're frozen." I sighed.

Olivia was my best friend. I really can't believe we came that far from a year before when I literally couldn't stand her, but she really squirmed her way into my heart because at that point, I don't know what I would have done without her. I called her over any minor inconvenience, and she would tell me about her boy problems. We were the most unusual of friends.

"Okay it's better now... " I said, squinting to see the paper she was holding up. "lets get started..." I began.

And yet another chapter...

I'm super excited for the next chapter! I can't wait for all y'all to read it!

I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and hope y'all continue to read!


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AlL ThE hEckiNg lOVe xx

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