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For Marie (me)

"Who is Olivia based upon? And do you imagine her to look like a certain someone?"

Me: Well if I'm being completely honest, there isn't one specific person who I based Olivia's character off of, her personality is based off of so many different people in my life. Sometimes I reference to things that me and my cousins have laughed about. Honestly, most of the the scenes in here are based off of experience-- unfortunately.

Her appearance is another story lol, when I first started writing this book I realized I wanted her to be Hispanic, because I'm Hispanic-- and I wanted to be able to relate to her, so writing would be easier for me. I imagined her to look kinda-- plain? I guess? not just strikingly beautiful, but not hideous, like just a normal girl. I have a picture of a girl in my castings chapter, and I see her as being pretty close to what I was going for, I didn't want Harry to just be obsessed with her from the get go, just because of her looks.

"Why is Harry so hot?"

Me: "Scientists still don't know the answer to that hunty."

For Harry.

What made Harry realize he liked Olivia? Did he tell anyone before he told Olivia? ALSO WHY THE H*CK DID HE NOT WAIT LIKE AT LEAST A LUTTLE WHILE UNTIL HE RAN INTO THE SUNSET WITH CAMILLE?"

Harry: "When I started liking Olivia is kind of hard to tell. I've 'liked' her from the start I guess-- I mean look at her, how could someone not like her? But like her as in sometimes I think of what it might be to start a family, and grow old with you. . . That happened probably around the time when I saw her in my kitchen, humming to living on a prayer, while making cookies we didn't have flour for. I thought to myself;

'I could get used to this'.

No I didn't tell anyone.

Why does everyone keep bringing up Camille? I'm sorry ok? Jeez--

Camille and I had rekindled whatever flame we had a few months before, and I was talking to her when me and Olivia we're playing hide and seek that day. Like I said, I wasn't planning on telling her. So it wasn't that I didn't wait for her, I just had really bad timing, plus-- I thought what she had said was final, I didn't think she wanted to discuss it."


Harry: "We ought to have a 'lets bully Harry on his bad life choices' get-together next time." Harry grumbled as the author read out the next question to him. "Olivia is amazing, she's a real dynamite gal-- if you know what I'm saying" He said, winking with a goofy grin. "I've had feelings for her for a little while now," Camille shifted awkwardly in her seat next to Harry. "but I haven't ever really had a long lasting relationship, and I would hate myself if I messed up our friendship the way it's happened with girls before. That's why I had originally hesitated discussing how I felt about her, I wasn't planning on ever telling her really-- but her pretty brown eyes finally got the best of me, and I kind of forgot what I wasn't supposed to do. And since you bring up Camille, I must say that although it may have looked like a 'hook up'-- it wasn't. Camille and I have had an on and off relationship. And she's very-- nice, I enjoy her company, we have nice, long-- talks..." Harry sighed as he glanced up to meet Olivia's narrow gaze. "I don't know why I chose her over Olivia, but I did," Olivia scoffs and sends a mocking chuckle as Clare and Adam avoided eye contact with anyone. "and now I have to live with the consequences. Besides-- even if I wanted to patch things up with her, I don't even think Olivia is speaking to me as of this very moment.

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