f i v e | k a r a

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We keep the comms on while the Legion make their way back. 

"Brainy, are you able to track them?" I ask.

"Funny you should ask that question. I am tracking them, they should be here any moment now," he says. 

"Thanks," I say. 

Alex and I make our way to the roof. Just as we get there, we see the Legion ship coming our way, slowing down and landing beside us. 

I watch as Mon-El, Winn, and Imra come out. The first thing Alex does is push me aside to hug Winn. 

"Woah, I love being greeted like this, but you should know, Alex, it's only been like three days," Winn says, breathing heavily. "Where's Papa Bear?" He looks around. 

"He's," I start, "he's enjoying his life away from the DEO but I'm sure when things get out of hand here, he'll be there for us," I sigh. "So you can say hello to Director Danvers," I wave my hands to Alex. 

Imra stands by the ship and smiles when she sees Brainy approaching. "Couldn't keep away from the ship more than three days?" She questions, laughing. 

"You know me," Brainy smiles. 

Both Brainy and Imra turn towards us and Brainy speaks. "I guess we'll leave you to it, then. Just remember, if you ever need us, we're a beacon away," he smiles. 

"Be safe, you guys," I say back.

"Always," Imra smiles and makes her way on the ship, Brainy following not far behind. The ship quickly begins to hover over the ground and disappears into space within seconds. I watch Mon-El slowly making his way towards me. 

"Kara, can I talk to you?" He asks. I smile and nod eagerly. 

"Yeah, why don't you settle down at the DEO and come over to my loft?" I offer. 

He nods, "Alright, thanks," he says and smiles, walking past me into the building. 

"Well, that wasn't awkward," Winn chips in. Both Alex and I glare at him. 

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" Alex questions. 

"Um, oh, yes, you know, my chair, in the, uh, downstairs. Yeah," he stutters and rushes past us, making me laugh. 

"Kara, go home, I've got things handled here," Alex smiles at me. I look at her. "No, really, relax, you need it. I promise, if I hear something about your doppelganger, you'll be the first to know."

I sigh in defeat. "Okay, thanks," I say and fly to my loft.

I quickly change out of my Supergirl suit and put on a comfortable shirt and yoga pants. I heat the potstickers in the oven and wait for Mon-El

I think five minutes pass before someone knocks on the door. I run over and open it, expecting Mon-El.

"Lena? What a surprise, what are you doing here?" I question, opening the door fully for her to come in. 

"I'm sorry for barging in on you like this. I just wanted to tell you in person that Sam is fine. We've run all the possible tests and everything is normal," she smiles. 

"That's a relief. I can't even begin to imagine what she was going through," I say truthfully. 

"When you see Alex, can you tell that I wanted to thank her for taking care of Ruby?" I would do it myself but I know she's probably busy with Supergirl."

"Yeah, of course," I say. "I'll see you tomorrow, boss," I chuckle, making her smile. 

I open the door again and see Mon-El on the other side. 

"Mon-El?" Lena questions. 

"Ms. Luthor, it's good seeing you again," he says with a smile. 

"Likewise," she says, uncertainty in her voice. "Well, I guess I should get going, I'll see you tomorrow, Kara," she smiles. She walks past Mon-El. 

"Hi," I say to him with a smile. 

"Hi to you too," he says. 

"Oh, yeah, come in," I gesture. He laughs and walks into the loft. 

"Here you go," he passes me a bottle of club soda. 

"Why, thank you," I smile. "I have potstickers in the oven, should be done soon," I say to him. 

"Of course you do," he grins. "And you could have just, you know, laser visioned them."

I chuckle, "I could've."

18.6.18 Gone But Never Forgotten

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