Chapter 3

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~No one's POV~

Damien had crash-landed onto the next tree. He kept going, jumping off one tree, just about managing to land in the next tree, without breaking his ankles or legs.

Once he was sure that he was safe, he made his way back to his den. Except, he had no idea where to go and how far. He hasn't been down this side of the forest until now as he was forced to abandon his den due to the minotaur.

Just great... He had no shelter, no food, no water, and it was very dark, probably just after midnight. He realised that the only thing he could do at the moment was find a safe spot and camp for the night. He'll find his way back in the morning when there is light.

So he climbed up a sturdy-looking tree onto a high branch and slept, as comfortably as one could on a tree branch.

The next morning, he made his way back to his hut. He went back the way he came as much as he could. After what seemed like ages, he managed to get back to his hut... Except... It had been smashed to pieces... Most likely by the minotaur, He thought.

Of course, he needed to have a shelter to keep warm in, so he decided that today he should rebuild his little home. For most of the day, that's what he did.

After finishing rebuilding his home, he went to sleep and had a very unusual dream...
He was in the forest but something was missing... there was no one after him. Though he knew he shouldn't complain, he couldn't help but wonder why nothing was attacking. 'This is more creepy than getting chased by something' he thought. 'Who knows if there really is something but hiding'.
The cool wind blew past him, as if guiding him somewhere. He decided to follow, for a while, until he came to an opening on the forest ground. He looked around in awe; he had never come across this area before. Lush green grass covered the ground with dewdrops hanging from the leaves of the surrounding trees, glistening like jewels under the warm glowing sun. It was the most peaceful place he had seen in a long time. Until the melody played.
He looked around him in terror, not wanting to find out what this next creature would look like, but also finding his escape route. He noticed, however, that the melody sounded a bit louder to the left of him. Wondering if this would be his chance to find out what this mysterious phenomenon really was, he turned to run in that direction, only to be engulfed by the creature.

He woke up, shaken, but alive, back in his newly-made hut. He wondered if that dream was trying to tell him something. However, he was far too tired to think and went back to sleep.

The next morning, Damien decided it was by far time to find the source of the forest's phenomenon. He packed some food for later, some spears he had made and, taking his dream last night as his guide, he began by following the direction of the wind, in hopes of finding the same spot he was at in his dream.

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