Chapter 5

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Damien had been walking for what felt like hours. The path he had been following didn't seem in any way different to the rest of the forest, just trees as far as the eye could see.

Maybe it was just a useless dream after all. There's nothing here.

However he had soon come to another opening, bigger than the last, but what he saw he couldn't believe. The trees were still there but they were violet. That's not right... he thought. He rubbed his eyes, thinking the light was playing tricks on them. But when he opened them again, they were still the dark hue he'd thought he'd seen.

He looked around him. Some flowers were blooming, all in multiple different colours, and in the centre... Here of all places? He thought, eyeing a grand piano. He moved closer to it, curious as to how and why it was there.

It was a deep shade of brown, coated in claw marks and ivy. What surprised him though was how a healthy and fully grown tree had grown through it. The initials A.D. were carved beautifully in gold at the centre of the piano. can't be.... he realised that this piano was the same one he had gifted his lover Adina due to her love for music, especially piano. AD was his and his lover's 1st initials.

How is it possible? Shouldn't it have been destroyed along with the rest of my old home? He pondered for a while before realising someone or something was watching him. The bushes behind him had been rustling.

He pulled out a spear, ready to fight. There hadn't been a melody played after the last one so it shouldn't end up too bad right?

The rustling became more noticeable. Damien aimed his spear towards the bushes, hoping it wasn't the hybrid from a few hours ago. After all, he never killed it.

It wasn't the hybrid. A deer had just jumped out from the bushes as Damien threw his spear in its direction. It hit clean in the eye. Well, now I know I'm becoming more and more paranoid each day I spend in this forest. He chuckled to himself and decided to make himself a small shelter and fire to cook up the meat. He decided to investigate further tomorrow.

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