Chapter 4

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Who would've thought I'd be walking for a while? Damien thought as he continued to follow the wind. It had been 3 hours and he hadn't found the place. Maybe that dream really was nothing but a dream. He sighed. As he did so, his head bumped into a tree branch. Ow!

He looked up and realised he was in the same place as his dream had shown. The same open area surrounded by trees, the same lush green grass and the same dew drops on the leaves. He pinched himself to make sure this wasn't a dream. He winced, indicating it was all real. He smiled for the first time in a long time. Then frowned, remembering what was meant to come next.

And there it was. The melody. His breaths came out steadily, working out his next move. In his dream, he ran towards the music and ended up dead. So what if he went the other way? He turned to his right and took off running as soon as he heard a branch snap. A growl echoed throughout the area. A tiger? A lion? Turned out it was a hybrid of both. Just perfect. Damien's growing agility from the many times he has ended up in these situations had proven to be very useful, allowing him to duck under branches, jump over large roots and dodge other obstacles to escape. The growls became louder, the thudding footsteps behind him getting quicker.

When noticing a vine, he took this chance to climb up the tree it hung from, knowing that the hybrid wouldn't be able to climb up, as he remembered from his old training the lions couldn't climb unless the tree was bent enough for it to climb up. Since the hybrid was a half-lion, it would have contradicting genes to stop it from climbing. (Yes I am probably making crap up but 🤷🏻‍♀️ IDC! 😝)

He was correct. The hybrid couldn't climb and soon got tired and bored of trying. It turned to leave. Waiting a few minutes to make sure the hybrid was gone, Damien finally began to climb down and retrace his steps. Thankfully it wasn't long before he got back to the opening. The melody had long ended but he already knew which way to go.

This is it...this will finally reveal the forest's secrets.... he believed, as he began to follow the path he had done in his dream.

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