Special Story

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Now where did we leave off last time? Ah yes...

After fixing the cursed piano, Damien and Adina continued their lives in the forest, no longer having to worry for their lives. They even had two children, a trouble-seeking son named Edward and a behaved but temperable daughter named Zandra. A few years have passed and both children were now teenagers. Well, Edward was, he was now 15 and had matured, though that didn't mean he had totally stopped teasing his sister. Zandra was now 12... and had learned how to tease back her older brother. So you can imagine how things go for Damien and Adina these days...

One day, the family sat around their dining table to eat lunch. Zandra decided to ask "Mummy? When did you and Daddy meet?"

Damien choked on his food as Adina tried her best to hold back a snort.

Adina asked, "What made you ask that, sweetie?"
Edward replied, "She found Miss Abigail's diary."

Adina and Damien both remained silent for a moment, before Damien asked, "Now, what were you kids doing snooping around our room?"
Zandra and Edward looked at each other before apologising to their parents.

Adina sighed "It's ok, kids. We just weren't expecting to hear about our old friend's diary. As for how we met..."
Damien turned a little red as he eyed Adina, "You aren't actually going to tell them about that, are you?"
Adina giggled "But you were so cute back then~"

~~Flashback to 5 years before the war~~

In the little town of Lockbridge, a piano recital had been advertised for a while, Damien noticed. Something about a young fair lady who had recently made a good name for herself through her 'amazing musical ability'. Damien didn't have much interest in music, but a friend of his did and practically begged him to come along.

Today was the day of the recital. Damien met up with his friend just outside the hall where the recital was meant to take place. He saw many familiar faces around them, all showing anticipation for the event. He wonders who exactly this maiden may be, as he and his friend find their way inside to take their seats.

A few minutes later, once the hall was filled up, the announcer welcomed us with a speech about the pianist. Her name was Adina Woods and she was from a neighbouring town, Milbridge. He could hear murmurs of excitement around him. Was this lady really that good? he wondered to himself.

Eventually, the lady in question made her way to the stage, and Damien's breath hitched. She was beautiful, and that was an understatement. Her blown locks cascaded down her back, her shimmering navy blue gown loosely hugged her body, and her silver accessories only added to her beauty.

Adina bowed before making her way to the piano. The lights of the hall dimmed slightly as the stage lights shone on her figure. When she played, not a single sound was heard but the beautiful melody of the piano. It was as if she captivated her entire audience under a musical spell. Even Damien, a man who was indifferent to music, was enchanted. (Y'all remember this one right? Hehe~)

When the music finished, everyone gave a standing ovation, clapping and cheering for the young lady who got up and bowed once more to the audience before returning to the piano. She played many other melodies until the end of the recital one hour later. Everyone clapped for the last time before it was time to leave as the pianist bowed and left the stage.

Damien decided he had to speak to her. So he told his friend he would be with him in a moment and went to find Adina backstage. Of course, he was stopped by a bodyguard. He tried to reason with them, saying he only wished to speak to the lady to tell her he liked her performance, though the bodyguard refused to budge. Adina noticed and hurried to them, asking the bodyguard to allow Damien to speak to her. 

Damien was surprised by her gentle nature. Seeing her up close, his heart practically fluttered, shocking himself since he had never felt such feelings for anyone before.

"Um, h-hi, sorry you had to see that," Damien stumbled over his own words, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
"It's alright, you didn't seem to be the type to cause any harm. Can I help you?" Adina asked.
"I-I just wanted to tell you," he cleared his throat, fearing he may just make a fool of himself if he didn't stop stammering, "You were amazing. I only came to accompany a friend, I don't have much knowledge of music, but I very much enjoyed the recital."
Adina smiled softly, "Thank you for your kind words, sir."
"Please, call me Damien."
"Very well, thank you, Damien. Do get home safely now." Adina gave a small bow before leaving, the bodyguard showing Damien the way out.

The same evening, Damien invited his friend over for dinner. Though he didn't expect the guy to have made a video of his and Adina's interactions. This led to a red-faced, embarrassed Damien as his dad teased him relentlessly while his mother simply shook her head, amused. Damien just considered himself lucky his sisters were already in their rooms doing their homework; they definitely wouldn't leave him alone if they found out he liked someone he just met.


A few days later, Damien came across Adina again, this time while shopping. They decided to catch up as if they were already old friends. After they had done their shopping, they decided to go to a park, buying a couple of takeaway meals on the way. They had a small picnic and found themselves enjoying each other's company, eventually leading to Damien asking Adina out and her accepting.

~~Back to the present day~~

When Adina finished telling the story, much to Damien's embarrassment, Zandra's eyes were practically sparkling as she said, "That's so cute!"
"Your dad was very cute," Adina nods, smirking at Damien's flushed expression as he picks up the dishes and proceeds to wash them to escape any further teasing.


Haha, I enjoyed writing this so much!

Bet you weren't expecting someone who used to know next to nothing about love to make a literal love story. To be honest, though, I did have to do a little research to work out how to write this. And a piano recital just seemed so fitting.

Anyway, I do hope you all enjoyed this special story. Please do leave a like and some comments. I do enjoy reading them. And until next time,

Lady Rose out~ 🌹

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