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That's right my lovely readers! Finally at the end!


"Hahaha you can't catch me!" A shrill little voice cried out. It came from a little boy, about 7 years old, running through the forest away from a little girl, about 5 years old.

"That's not fair!" She called out to the boy. "You're too fast for me!"

"Edward is teasing Zandra again," A lady said to her husband, sighing. This lady was Adina, her husband was Damien, and both were in their late-30s now.

"Ha! Boys will be boys, love." He laughed heartily.

Edward and Zandra were their kids. Edward had the same messy brown hair and hazel eyes as his father, with such a cheeky attitude. He enjoyed teasing his little sister at every chance he got.

Zandra, on the other hand, was quite like her mother: Long auburn hair in naturally soft curls, beautiful amber eyes, usually well-behaved and reserved until her brother winds her up as he is doing now.

It had been almost 10 years since the breaking of the curse. The 1st day without a single eerie melody came to both as a huge surprise. Then the next day, and the next too, not a single crazy creature came for them to run and survive from. So they were finally able to relax and live their life as they would've done before the war had ever happened.

"You know, I'm kinda glad this whole craze happened," Adina said, making Damien look at her in confusion.

"Why's that?" He asked.

She giggled and replied, "Because I realise how much you mean to me. I don't think I could survive without you," making her lover smile.

He chuckles and replies, "You mean too much to me too, you know."

CRASH!! Followed by a shrill-

"MAMA!!!" from Zandra.

Edward came running up to them saying, "Not my fault this time, Dad, honest!"

"Sure it isn't," Damien replied, smirking, while Adina ran towards Zandra's voice to find her.

"She just tripped," Edward said, "Over a big root. Not my fault, honest!"

"Well, she wouldn't have been chasing you in the first place if you hadn't been teasing her about not being able to climb trees. She's only 5!"

Edward sulked and sat beside his father. Not too long after, Adina returned with Zandra who's face was full of tears.

"Now go and apologise already," Damien told his son, "And don't try this again, understand?"

Edward nodded and did what his father told him to do. The rest of that afternoon was filled with Edward trying to teach his sister to climb with their parents watching not too far away.

"They'll grow up just fine," Damien thought, without realising he said it out loud.

"Mmhm, I'll go get dinner ready. It's starting to get late." Adina replied, getting up.

Damien continued to keep an eye on their kids.

Yeah, they'll grow up here just fine...

~The End~


OMG OMG OMG Finally finished!!

I hope you all enjoyed this story as much as I had fun writing it.

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know I am working on another story! It is called 'Dreams do come true' and it follows the story of a young girl who enjoys singing but her parents don't want her to follow her dreams and want her to do a normal job like business or medicine.

And since I can't keep my big gob shut, I will let you know one thing! I have always liked drawing and was thinking of making an art book. Would you all like that? It will be like a side project rather than something that will be continuously updated (art takes time!).

Anyway, as I said, I hope you all enjoyed this story. Please leave likes and comments so I know you have enjoyed it otherwise I'm probably writing for nothing.

And I hope you all stay awesome and have a great day/night wherever you are.

Lady Rose out~🌹

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