Chapter 7

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For the next few weeks, the 3 worked together to survive. Every time the piano played its melody, summoning another monstrous creature, they were able to kill them more easily, even capturing a few for food.

Oh and yes, Damien and Adina finally tied the knot in their own way!

However, not every story has a perfect ending...


"Run dammit!" Abigail yelled, "The traps didn't work."

"Are you serious?!" Damien groaned, "C'mon Adina, time to go," he said, taking her arm and running out of the hut they were in, following Abigail, deeper into the forest.

A monstrously-sized snake-like creature slithered after them. "Is that a basilisk?!" Adina inquired bewilderedly.
"Yes, and it has spears," Abigail informed us.
"These creatures are getting more ridiculous each time they show up," Damien said.
The creature hissed as if to say 'Ya got that right you measly human'.
"I think you angered it more, dear," Adina said to Damien, as they continued to run for an escape.

After what felt like hours they realised they were no longer being chased and decided to come up with a plan to face it with weapons of their own when it returned.
While Damien made some more of his spears along with cleaning off and sharpening his throwing knives, Abigail made 2 sets of 24 arrows for herself and Adina, while Adina went off with her bow and the arrows she had left to hunt for food.

~Time skip because I can~

"We so did not think this through!" Abigail moaned.
"Your idea to use all your arrows as fast as you did!" Adina yelled back.

The 3 were perched on a tree each and shooting at the basilisk that returned for dinner. However, Abigail only had 2 arrows left, while Adina and Damien had 8 of their respective weapons left. The creature still hadn't given up on a meal and, as Abigail was on the tree closest to the basilisk, it began to knock itself into her tree in an attempt to make her fall.

"Oh CRAP! HELP ME YOU TWO!" Abigail yelled.
"Jump from your tree to Adina's" Damien suggested, as Adina was just behind her.
"I'm not gonna make it!" Abigail said, clinging onto the branch she was perched on.
"Not gonna know till you try!" Adina said, reaching out her hand for Abigail to catch.

But just as she was about to jump, they all heard a loud CrUncH and looked down. The tree bark had weakened and began to fall along with Abigail.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!" They all screamed, while the basilisk looked greedily at its meal, and in one swift movement, ChoMp!, and she was torn in half. Her lifeless body (or rather, bodies), hit the ground, the cracking of her bones could've been heard for miles. Blood gushed out from both halves, and the creature began to feast on its dinner.

"You monster!" Adina screamed, readying another arrow and shooting for its eye. The arrow met its target, causing the basilisk to screech in pain.

Damien climbed down from his tree while the basilisk was distracted by the pain and began to slash through it with his knives. It wasn't long before the basilisk finally fell to its death.

Panting, he turned to see Adina had gotten down from her tree and was running to him. They clung onto each other with Adina sobbing for her best friend and Damien stroking her hair to soothe her.

They both returned to their huts with Abigail's remains and buried her, before returning to their hut to rest. However, neither could sleep in peace after what they had seen happen to their friend.

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