<Pt. 2>

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Your P.O.V

"So are you guys just going to ignore me now?", Jaehyun asked.

"I guess you could say that.", me and Taeyong answered in unison. After that, we looked at each other awkwardly as if we both just said something stupid.

"Woooww you guys are terrible people."

"Hehe sorry about that.", I said to him. "Oh shoot I have to go change! I'll be right back."

A moment later...

"Okay I'm back and officially done with my shift.", I told Taeyong.

"Great!", he responded.

"Where did Jaehyun and Yeri go?"

"They went home. I think we're fine for now."

"Ooh okay good."

"So how long have you been working at this café?"

"3 months. Not for very long."

"Ooh I see. I must say even though you haven't been working here for very long, this cappuccino you made is really good."

"Do you really think so?"

"Of course. You have amazing skills."

"Aww thank you!"

"You're welcome."

"Okay let's start talking."

"Aren't we already doing that? *chuckles*"

"Yes but I mean like the getting-to-know-each-other kind of talk, you know what I mean?"

"Yes I know what you mean, since it is an obvious thing."

"Hey Y/N weren't you supposed to leave 15 minutes ago?", someone asked me. I turn my head to the left and see Youngho appear in my vision.

"Yes Youngho. I decided to stay for a little bit longer to talk with this lovely person named Taeyong.", I answered him.

"Okay then. Oh and I thought I told you I go by either John or Johnny now. I mostly prefer Johnny, though. But it's whatever."

"Oh yeah sorry about that, Johnny. I keep forgetting."

"No worries it's fine. But you should probably be leaving soon before your ex comes back."

"You're right. I'm sorry Taeyong but I have to go."

"Aww but I wanted to keep on talking to you! You're a really nice and kind person.", he said.

"Thank you for the compliment but I'm sorry. I need to leave before he finds me.". And with that, I left the café.

Taeyong's (short) P.O.V

I don't mean to be rude or anything but what does he mean by Y/N having to leave before her ex finds her? Did her ex do something unsettling to her in the past or did she let him go only because he was super clingy and overprotective to the point where she didn't like it? Or both? Whatever it is, despite the fact that I just met her here for the first time, I am kinda worried. Maybe I should follow her to make sure she's safe.

"Hey where are you going?", Johnny asked as I was heading towards the door. "You still haven't paid yet."

"Here's the change.", I told him after throwing it on the table.

A moment later...

Your P.O.V

Oh thank goodness he didn't catch me! I don't know what could've happened if it did. I'm kinda sad that I had to cut off my conversation with Taeyong so early. He seems really nice and I of course do want to get to know him some more. Maybe the next time I'll meet him, I ca- Wait a second... who's calling my name?

"Y/N! There you are!"

"Who is it?", I called out. "Taeyong! How did you know where to find me?"

"I didn't.", he responded.

"Oh never mind, then. Not to be rude or anything but why did you follow me out here?"

"Because I wanted to continue the conversation from earlier. I don't want it going to waste."

"I'd love to but I need to get back home."

"We have enough time. Is it okay if we at least finish it?"

"I guess... I suppose it's-"

"Y/N there you are! I've been looking all over for you and I was worried sick!", I hear somebody else call out.

"Uhh Y/N, who is that walking in the direction of us?"

"*sigh* It's my ex. He thinks he still owns me even though I broke up with him. He's been getting on my nerves lately."

"I believe I know how to solve the situation."

"How? You don't even know him."

"Trust me."

"I literally met you only today."

"I know that. Now if you'll excuse me........". I have no idea what he is planning on doing but this better be good.


Hey guys! Sorry for not keeping up with the publishing schedule 😅 a lot of things got in the way of that so I apologize 🙏☹️ Anyways, part 3 is still in progress (because I just started writing it today) so it'll be up whenever I finish it. Thanks for reading 📖🤗💞

Hate Of Love ~ Lee Taeyong x Reader (Female) FF [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now