<Pt. 9>

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A few months later...

(A/N: At this point it's a day before Taeyong's birthday (his birthday's July 1st btw). Also stay tuned for a(n) (sort of?) announcement at the very end.)

Your P.O.V

Just one more day until Taeyong's birthday and oh my gosh I'm so excited! I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees the surprise I have in store for him. It's gonna be so amazing! We've been dating for about almost 3 months now and things have been going great so far. We are still uhh... sorta awkward with each other whenever we meet up but it's all good. I guess the both of us are still getting adjusted to the relationship. Oh yeah which reminds me, I still haven't told my parents about it yet. I'm kinda nervous about what they'll think. They're coming back in 2 weeks and I still don't know how to tell them. Hopefully I'll figure it out soon. Oh hey someone's calling me!

Jaehyun's P.O.V

*ring ding dong ding ding dong ding*

(A/N: Yes I had to put in a SHINee reference 😁 anyways moving on)

Jaehyun: Hey Y/N.

Y/N: Hey Jaehyun! Everything going according to plan?

Jaehyun: Yeah. Me, Doyoung, and Ten are gonna take him out to go shopping while you, Johnny, and the rest of the members get everything set up for the party.

Y/N: Okay that's good.

Jaehyun: M-hm. Anything else to add?

Y/N: No everything sounds good.

Jaehyun: Okay then.

Y/N: Alright. Oh can you tell Taeyong I'll be 'at the airport' and that I won't be able to go shopping with him, you, and the others?

Jaehyun: What do you mean by- oohhh yeah I forgot you have to go there with your brother to pick up your parents.

Y/N: Yeah exactly. Ssooo... I'll see you and the others at the party then?

Jaehyun: Yup. See you tomorrow.

Y/N: Okay see you tomorrow.

Well that call was pretty short. Anyways, hopefully everything does go according to plan. And hopefully Johnny doesn't make things even more awkward between him and Y/N. He's been acting somewhat weird ever since Y/N and Taeyong started dating. I wonder what's going on inside his head. Should I ask? Hmm..... I'm pretty sure it's nothing so I'll just leave it be.

"Hey Jaehyun sorry to uhh.. have eavesdropped but was that Y/N on the phone?", Taeyong asked.

"Yeah that was her.", I answered.

Taeyong's (short) P.O.V

"Yeah that was her.", he answered.

"Is she coming with us to go shopping?"

"No, sadly. Her parents ended up coming back to South Korea a lot sooner than expected and tomorrow, she'll have to be at the airport with her brother and his girlfriend to pick them up. Oh and she forgot to tell you before she left the dorm earlier."

Hate Of Love ~ Lee Taeyong x Reader (Female) FF [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now