<Pt. 5>

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(A/N: If you remember what I had explained at the end of Pt. 3, then skip this A/N. If you don't, read here ⬇️

 If you don't, read here ⬇️

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In this part (Pt. 5), I only wrote about 3 of the units (NCT U, NCT 127, NCT Dream). And since I'm publishing this part after WayV's debut (which was on Jan. 17th, 2019 with members Kun, Ten, WinWin, Lucas, Xiao Jun, Hendery, and YangYang), I thought I might let you know before you continue reading so there wouldn't be any confusion. Anyways, continue on 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️)

Your P.O.V

"Which unit would you like for me to start off with?", Taeyong asked me.

"Might as well go in order.", I answered him.

"Okay then. So for the first unit, NCT U, it's not a fixed unit. The lineup changes for each comeback, meaning that certain members from a previous comeback before the most recent one won't be in it."

"So it could go from a music video with 10 members to just 2?"


"Alright then. What about the second unit?"

"For NCT 127, it is a unit consisting of nine members. At first there were only seven, one of them including yours truly, but then two more were added in the music video for Limitless. One of them was already a member of NCT U."

"Interesting. This is slightly off topic but are you also a part of NCT U?

"Yes of course but let's get back to the second unit."

"Carry on."

"NCT 127 is a unit based in Seoul and it represents the latitude/longitude of the capital. This is unrelated to this unit but it is related to the group as a whole but anyways, more units will be added in the near future representing a city/country around the world."

"That sounds pretty cool."

"It is. Now for NCT Dream, it is a unit with a lighter and jovial concept solely geared towards teenagers. This unit features the more younger members of NCT and once they become adults, they will no longer be a part of it. After that, new members will be added and soon the original lineup for Dream will be gone. Specifically speaking the first lineup."

"Ooh I see. Then it goes from the 2nd lineup and so on, correct?"

"Correct. By the way I forgot to ask about this until now but anyways, did everything turn out alright with your brother and his girlfriend's parents?"

"Yes it did. They were very accepting of him and when he came home, he was all excited and happy about it. He mentioned that if they didn't allow him to continue dating her, he would've just stayed at home 24/7 and be really sad."

"Geez that doesn't sound too good. At least everything turned out well in the end."

"Yeah I suppose so."

*ring ring ring ring*

(A/N: Boomerang 😁 I'm sorry, I had to include a Wanna One reference 😆 and yes I know in the lyrics they're saying wing instead of ring. Oh and for the record, I'm not a Wannable (at least not yet). I'm still trying to memorize every member's names and stuff 🙃) (Another A/N: And of course I just haaaaad to post this after their disbandment 😭😭😭)

"Excuse me for a moment."

"Take your time."

A moment later...

"Hey what's up?", I asked my brother.

"Hey Y/N where are you?", he asked back.

"With a friend at Yeouido Park. Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing I was just checking in. By the way, Tanya's here and she wants to see you."


"Yeah really. Come home as soon as you can, okay?"

"I will. *ends call"

"Hey I'm sorry but I have to go home. My brother and his girlfriend are at my house.", I told Taeyong.

"It's fine.", he responded. "But are you gonna go back by yourself? I can drive you back to your house if you want."

"Yes please that would be better than going home by myself."

"Agreed. Now let's go."

*time skip*

"Is this the right place?", Taeyong questioned.

"M-hm.", I replied.

"Okay. I'll see you next time. Bye!"

"Why don't you stay for a bit?"

"I wish I could but I can't. I have to get back to SM."

"I understand."

"Maybe n-"

"PEEK-A-BOO!! Oh I had no idea you were friends with Taeyong."

"Uh-huh and you did a great job trying to scare me big bro so congratulations!", I said to my brother.

"Haha very funny.", he responded. "Hello Taeyong. My name is (A/N: I have no idea what name I want to give him 😂 so feel free to make up one) and I am her older brother.", he says to him.

"I know. Y/N mentioned you before.", he responded.

"Why don't you stay here for a little longer?"

"I can't. Maybe next time because I tend to be quite busy most of the time."

"I understand.", I told him. "I'll see you next time."

*time skip*

Taeyong's P.O.V

"Taeyong-hyung how was it?", Jisung asked me.

"How was what?", I asked back.

"That date you went on with that girl. Who is she? What's her name?"

"Aiish Jisung stop asking questions before some-"

"Yeah Taeyong how was your little date with Y/N, huh?", Johnny said.

"Aahhh Johnny where'd you come from?!", I questioned him.

"From the dorm room. Where else? Anyways, how was the date? Where did you guys go?"

"It's not a date we just hung out as friends. We only went to Yeouido Park and that's about it."

"Whatever you saayyy. You know you can't deny it."


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